Is it real?????

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Chapter 1

"Mom dad I'm hooomme!," I yelled as I stepped through the the large oak doors of my just recently moved into home.Instead of the usual sound of clattering in the kitchen from my mom rushing to make dinner and my dad lazily watching tv on the couch I was greeted by the eerie sound of silence just silence , to some this may be normal most people would think we'll they must have went out or they probably at the neighbors house but to me silence meant trouble.To me silence meant anything but normal , instantly heart rate increased ,my hands felt clammy and a sickening metallic aroma flooded the room making me feel dizzy.Im unsure of what willed me to continue walking toward my parents room maybe it was of plain curiosity ,maybe it was fear but with each step I took it became harder and harder to walk .I stopped abruptly in front of my parents slightly ajar door the sickening scent of metal became stronger ,as I pushed the door open the horror before me was indescribable .I felt all my blood rush to the floor ,my heart was the only sound I heard with each echo of its beat seeming to slowly rip me apart .Time stopped I was sure of it I rushed towards my mother her long raven hair surrounded her face ,her eyes open but their usual sparkle of life and happiness gone,her limp,stone cold hands resting on the large puddle of red that covered her chest her other hands grasped firmly in my dads hands."No! no no" were the only things going through my mind "why me" ,"what did I do to deserve this".A soft "thud" echoed through the room as I fell to the floor ,hugging my parents now lifeless body.It seemed like hours before my neighbors broke down the door and gasped at the sight before them ,I was ripped of my parents body and wrapped in a warm blanket but nothing could soothe the freezing storm inside .I could tell people were trying to to comfort me but nothing seemed to register,everything was a blur ,life seemed meaningless my mind was already gone,my body slowly dissolving and the only thing keeping me on earth was that fist shaped organ that pumped blood to my unreachable body, but I could feel that to giving up with each hour that passed, the world seemed to close in my breaths became quicker in need for air I was positive it was the end ,I felt something repeatedly stabbing the back of me I let out an ear piercing scream with my last breaths of air."I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare." "Wake up! Wake up!" I shot straight up from my bed right into the arms of my best friend Cindy "it's okay " she soothed gently stroking my hair "it was just a dream" she whispered,but I knew that that this reoccurring nightmare was not just a dream but part of my unforgettable past.Although Cindy never complained I knew she was tired of waking up every night just to console me , but this was my routine I go to bed everyday just to relive the horrors of that day ,then wake up drenched in sweat in need of air pretty much my life in a nutshell. Warms streaks of sunlight touched my clammy skin signifying the begging of another meaningless day and one week since my parents murder and my entry into this orphanage ,little did I know there would be a slight change in my routine today .

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