Mysterious in the good way

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Chapter 2

"Lilly darling there is someone here to meet you ," yelled Mrs.Foster owner of the orphanage I currently live in."Coming!" I replied as I tried to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes ,quickly I ran my fingers through the bird nest that I call hair but would no success whatsoever of improving its state I gave up.I walked down the creaky wooden staircase to see Mrs.Foster sitting in front of a ,young man with chocolate brown hair and piercing grey eyes he looked about late 20's but his stormy grey eyes reveal that he'd been through a lot despite his charming appearance he seemed to give off a mysterious aura of loneliness and pity which I couldn't help but feel connected to ,my gaze was glued to his perfectly defined face taking in his mesmerizing good looks,suddenly I felt self conscious as I remembered how much of a hot mess I was just standing there in hello kitty pajamas with a tangled mess of hair and really bad morning breath.I was quickly broken out of my train of thought with the clearing of someone's throat ,I noticed both people staring at me with a puzzled expression and as of this moment wasn't awkward enough Mrs.Foster said with a huge grin "Lilly meet your new adoptive parent," my jaw dropped how was this even possible he look like he could of passed for my younger brother heck for crying out loud he could make that still living with your parents after being twenty thing not seem weird."Uhh.. You should probably go get your stuff" he said breaking the awkward silence , I blushed as I realized that I was just standing there staring at him it wasn't my fault that he was a pleasant site to my eyes."yyy yeah oookay," I stuttered before quickly turning around and rushing up the creaky staircase .When I glanced in the mirror my previous thoughts were confirmed my whole face was flushed fire engine red just from one encounter with him I was hopeless.Although, my disgusting appearance was the least of my worries right now .Was this woman crazy she didn't even know him yet she lets him adopt me ,heck I don't even no him maybe he's a crazy psychopath or a bully or a drug dealer or even worst a masked murder I was dead for sure."Lily,honey hurry up now wouldn't want to keep this dashing young man waiting would we?"she cooed my face screwed up in disgust as I realized that she was probably bewitched by his perfect, overwhelmingly,mesmerizing,hot ...... "Stop it!" I whisper yelled at myself don't be tricked we still don't know who he is. Twenty Five minutes later I was sitting in the car with Mr.Unknowns which was the name I decided to give him since I knew nothing about him."Ummm .... So great weather today isn't it ," I questioned then mentally slapped myself for how stupid that sounded but to my delight he replied with "I bet you're wondering why I adopted you" *umm hell yeah*."Its crossed my mind a few times," i replied to which he simply stated "you'll find out soon enough" .*Wow this exactly what I wanted no explanation whatsoever of if I was riding to my death thanks Mr.unknown*,for the rest of the ride I remained silent and he didn't try to make a conversation I mean I already tried with the weather thing,this guy was just not the sociable type like I cared anyway .The vehicle came to a stop and I got out of the car gaping at the beautiful architectural structure before me the mansion was overwhelmingly large it's subtle gray paint gleamed in the warm summer sun,large velvet curtains obscured any view of what was actually inside ,a marbled statue of a young girl with flowing water coming out of her eyes and outstretched arms stood on the perfectly trimmed grass."Creepy much," I thought out loud but quickly disguised it with fake fits of coughing like its owner despite the mansions mesmerizing beauty it gave of a mysterious vibe as if inviting you to enter it large polished mahogany doors and discover the secrets within .Although the mansion didn't look old its ancient structure showed that it was not built in this time.Mr.Unknown strides past me and into the mansion, I quickly followed him not wanting to be left alone in this intriguingly ancient place but to my disappointment when I entered the breathtaking building He was no where to be seen .*Just great I was lost in a extremely large house that creeped the heck out of me ,isn't my life perfect*......"not" I snorted unattractively .

Authors side notes📖📖📖📖👌👌

Hiiii this is not going to be long and I usually ignore this part in a story but just wanted to tell you guys that when a sentence is started with[*] and ended with [*] it is what lily is thinking not saying out loud for example *i really don't care what he says cause he cute* it's what is being thought by the character.secondly Lily is very sarcastic so be sure to look out for that Byeee 👋👋 thanks for reading

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