Chapter 12

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                                        ^.^.^. Chapter 12 ^.^.^.

                “The truth will set you free”- John 8:32 (NIV)


        I was leaving school one day with Natalie. It was Friday and this week was our bye week so we had no game. We stopped at our lockers putting our books away for the weekend and grabbing our sweaters. We starting talking about the weekend, Natalie was going to be hanging out again with Blake on Saturday and I was as always plan free. So far my weekend sounds something along the lines of: Sleep, eat, laptop, iPage, food, TV, sleep, text, Twitter, eat, Facebook, iPage, sleep, sleep, annoy my brothers, sleep.

        So much fun right?!


        Unless Nick made some magical appearance or Blake blew off Nat for something guy stupid like sports, then I was going to be a couch potato for the weekend.

        “If you want we can watch a movie on Sunday!” Nat said trying to cheer me up after I explained to her my boring weekend.

        “That sounds good.” I smiled opening the front door of the school, “I did want to see that movie with you- Oh what’s it called Sa-”

        “Ally?!” someone shouted making me spin around 360 finding no one.

        “Did you just hear my name being called?” I ask Nat puzzledly.

        “Yeah it sounded like it was coming from… over there.” Nat pointed far to the left.

        I turned to my left scanning the crowed for the person when they called out my name again. Surprisingly, Nick was walking up to me waving his hand and calling my name.

        “Hey, Nick. What are you doing here?” I asked as he came closer.

        The corners of his lips were turned up in a shy but confident smile, “We got out of school early today. Some of my friends and I stopped to get frozen yogurt down the street and then I remembered you go to school here.”

        “That explains the chocolate spot on your nose.” I giggled as he wiped it off quickly blushing, “That’s so sweet of you. Oh Nick, this is my friends Natalie by the way. Nat Nick, Nick Nat.” I said motioning my hands between them.

        They both greeted with a small hello and a wave. Natalie left us to catch a ride from her sister leaving, Nick and I standing in the middle of the school campus just staring at each other.

        “So you just come by to say hi.” I joked pulling my sweater closer to myself.

        “Partly, I was just going to see what you were doing tonight?” He asked putting his hands in his jeans pocket, rocking back and forth on his heels.

        “Um, nothing actually. You don’t even want to know what I had planned for this weekend.” I chuckled.

        “You should come tonight at the coffee shop.” He offered smiling lightheartedly.

        “For that poetry night, right? It’s tonight.”

        “Yeah it is. It’s going to be an interesting night. Bring Natalie along if you’d like.” He said walking with me slowly to the parking lot.

        “Alright I’ll be there.” I said spotting my brother in the parking lot with his friends hovering around his car.

        “Cool then. Tonight at 7, I’ll see you there.”

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