Chapter 13

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                                        ^.^.^. Chapter 13  ^.^.^.

                "Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making some one smile."- Paulo Coelho


            Life is boring.

        Well my life is boring. You see, I'm probably one of the very few teenagers that don't have planes on a beautiful Saturday like this one. My plan with Natalie backfired and instead she had to go to her cousin's baby shower. So my original plan was back on track.

       I got out of bed at nine in the morning and ate some cereal. Then like I normally do every morning I check my Facebook, Twitter, iPage, emails and texts replying back to all. Like the nerd I was I had no homework or projects because: One, I finished them all early, and two, my teachers barely give weekend homework. So the next step on my list was to watch TV.

       Did you know that there is absolutely nothing on at nine in the morning besides kid shows!? Yeah, I'm surprised too. Like come on I'm sixteen years old I am too old to watch some stupid Disney show like Dog with a Blog! What has mankind come down to these days!? A talking dog that's not animated!? With a blog in the internet?! What happen to all the good Disney and Nickelodeon shows, huh?

        Step three of my plan: Annoy my brothers. It didn't last too long like I hoped for. Luke was taking a shower and Ryan was playing the Wii. Annoying Ryan isn't as fun as annoying Luke. But I still managed to get him irritated and block the TV a couple of times and get him killed. But like I said, it didn't last long because my dad told me to knock it off or else, and I didn't want to find out what that 'or else meant.'

        It was only 10:31 and I was already bored. My planned list of what to do in my most boring Saturday ever was completed and I had nothing else to do. I thought about calling Nick and seeing if he wanted to hang out but after last night I needed some time to think how this would all work out. I mean I started to try to get Trinity to gradually stop talking to Nick but the more time they stopped talking to each other the more Nick wanted to talk to Trinity.

        I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. My oh-so-simple life I once had just turned oh-so-complicated. I opened the fridge and took out a strawberry yogurt. I can't believe I'm eating again, I thought. I made my way to my laptop where I left it on the kitchen table. I turned it on decided to spend my day typing a chapter for my new book. Just as I was beginning to type a notification popped up. And not just any notification but one from PoetMadMan821.... Nick.

         Nick: Hey Trint! I haven't talked to you in a while!! :D how's it going?!

        Great, so what lie can I use next? Hm, used the parting one way too much, saying I've been grounded has already been used twice, let’s see...

        Me: I've been studding a lot :) haha

        Wow, really lame.

        Nick: whoa! You study ;)

        Me: Hardy har har! I'm blond in case you've forgotten. ;p

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