Chapter 7

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                                        ^.^.^.Chapter 7 ^.^.^.

                “A lie cannot live.”- Martin Luther King Jr

        Picture a floor, got it? Good. Now picture a closet full of close, okay? Now imagine what my room looks like now as I think-no, no, worry- about the first time I’m seeing Nick properly. Oh yes! You guessed it! My room is a total mess! Clothes everywhere on the floor, on the bed, on the piano and chair, everywhere. And of course, this wasn’t an easy task for me. I have never ever picked an outfit for a “date”- if my mind wanted to call it that.

        I had narrowed it down to a few options and decisions. Even though I thought about wearing a dress I would defiantly be questioned on why I was dressing up “too fancy for a school play.” So I ditched the two dresses I had in mind and just decided with the faded blue jeans and black belt. I think all the running from soccer made me lose a lot more weight than I thought I would. Nothing else was chosen yet so I was there just in my pants looking through a pile of shirts in a pile in the corner.

        “Ally, ready to go?” my mother called from down stairs hearing her keys jiggling.

        “Uh yeah I guess.” I shouted back grabbing the first shirt I put my hand on. It was a plain white shirt, after putting it on with some bracelets I always wore out I grab my hand bag and my night bag to stay at Nat’s place.

        I was just going to leave my room the way it was. I’m sure I’ll have more energy and time another day to clean it all. Just before I turned my back on my room, a long blue sweater with golden buttons hung off the head of my bed getting my attention. Hm, I guess it’ll work out Okay. Scurrying down the stairs and outside where my mother was waiting in the car I got in throwing my stuff in the back seat.

        My mother rambled aimlessly about rules and proper behavior that she expected from me for the night; but I wasn’t paying any attention as I was on my phone scrolling through iPage, and PM-ing Nick once in a while. I had sent him a good luck message just as Natalie came running to the car. Her mother Amy waved from the front door. Nat told me to leave my stuff in her house before we took off.

        “Hey Nat.” I greeted turning my body so I was now facing her sitting in the back.

        “Hey hey. You pumped for tonight?”

        “As ready as I can be to watch a play where everyone dies.” I retorted sarcastically.

        “Right on.” She giggled.


        “So, where should we sit?” Nat examined looking around the auditorium that was almost half way full.

        “Uh, I don’t know maybe towards the front.” I said pointing to two available seats. We walked over sitting down examining the pamphlet they handed out.

        I searched for Nick’s name through the paper. Once I found the name Benvolio I found his name: Nickolas Landon as……Benvolio. Hm, so his last name is Landon, huh? Interesting. I looked at my phone smiling as I read the time quarter to six. I still had enough time to snoop I guess.

        “Hey Nat I’ll be right back I’m going to see if they’re selling snacks.” I told her standing up.

        “I’ll come too.” Nat offers.

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