31. The Prince's Castle

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The Prince addressed General Drawde as he stood in the room full of devils. The General squinted to try to see through the curtain better, but all he could make out was the shadow of a man sitting in a kind of throne. The torches in the wall did not give enough light to allow him to see through the sheer curtain. Drawde hid his fead behind his own steely shroud of strength and cold eyes.

"Tell me," A soft voice said from behind the red curtain, "How does an ancient, weak, old woman escape from the home of our Master Spirit?"

"I couldn't tell you that sir," Drawde admitted. His outward appearance showed no sign of his inner turmoil. He stood as strong as ever as he began to fight to hold on to his power. "I have no authority in No Man's Land."

"Are you blaming the Master Spirit for her escape?" the Prince demanded.

"Certainly not."

"Well then you must be blaming me."

"No, sir. Not at all," Drawde insisted.

"Then whose fault is it that Tellis Oliver is no longer our prisoner? Whose fault is it that our biggest traitor, who I ordered dead, is still alive, still out there guiding Searchers to my potion?"

"With all due respect, sir," Drawde went on, "Why are you sitting behind that curtain?"

The silhouette of the Prince behind the curtain stood up and walked toward it. Being a military man, Drawde believed the old phrase that the best defense was a good offense. He sought to refocus the conversation on the Prince's weaknesses rather than his own without being too forceful about it.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you, General," the Prince asked calmly.

"We're on the same side, sir," Drawde pointed out. "We have no reason to be afraid of each other. But them? They should all be afraid of us. My soldiers have seen Tellis Olliver heading this way. It's only a matter of time before we have her."

There was a silence as the Prince thought over what Drawde had just told him. The Searchers were close, they were on their way. He was pleased that they were close to having Tellis back in custody, but he tried to think about what to do about the Searchers.

"The curtain," the Prince continued, his voice quieter, "is here to protect the truth. I've sent a messenger to you in the past, since then I've only communicated to you by letter. I don't make myself known to people or it would complicate my work. But I suppose since they have already made it this far, farther than any other Searcher ever has, there's no point in hiding anymore."

Two devils walked to the opening in the center of the curtain and pulled them to the side revealing a large, round, old man with thin, messy hair standing behind it. The General looked at him, confused by his appearance. He could not believe that this weak looking old man was the ruler of the Garden of Yllop.

"Not what you expected?" the Prince asked.

"No, but it doesn't matter," lied General Drawde. "As I said, we are on the same side. We can defeat them together."

The Prince nodded apprehensively. Drawde didn't understand why he seemed so concerned. Surely the Searchers were no match for the combined forces of the Human Robot Army and the devils. The Prince walked back and took a seat on his throne. He looked out at the General and enjoyed what he expected to be the calm before the storm, the peace before the war. He knew there was no point in hiding any longer. The Searchers were coming. That would change everything.


When she fell through the sand, Tellis landed a few feet down on the ground. She was inside of a large tunnel that broke off into three different directions. As she looked around, trying to figure out which way to go, she heard a noise above her. She quickly stepped aside while looking up in anticipation. Zack crashed through first followed quickly by Hailey and then Claire. They hit the ground with a thud and Tellis came over to make sure they were all okay. When everyone was standing up and safe, she quickly moved them out of the way as more of the SG came tumbling through the tunnel ceiling. Aileen was the last one in.

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