Bar Sinister (The last sorrow)

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Memet was talkative from deep in his cups, "The assassin's name is Fei-Krull. It means 'fifth claw.' She was from one of Lis-Xiana's older broods. There's only one sibling left in that litter now, and Lis-Xiana will likely have to put the survivor down before it goes insane."

"Good to know," I replied. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Or maybe the demon-Queen will just point the whelp at you so that you can do the job for her," he continued with a chuckle.

Finally, I asked with a sigh, "What is the brood survivor's name?"

"Rei-Seeck. It means 'last sorrow' in the language of Death."

"Apt," I observed. Poetic even.

Memet continued, "Be glad your House still claims its victories, Younger. The killing of Fei-Krull has made you much stronger and bolstered your threshold for pain. It should help you heal more quickly beyond the Veil. It should also make Queen Lis-Xiana reconsider her decision to help Lord Maltheus take you down. She has lost standing in this encounter, including her iron-clad reputation. Some may now see her as weakening."

I pulled out my war-blade and jammed it into the bar top between us, making Memet jump.

"To Exile!" I roared, raising my cup.

"Exile!" echoed back from the otherwise empty room.

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