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It was Monday now. The whole class seemed to be in this cautious state. With every student walking in, their eyes seemed to scan around the classroom for a beamish presence with a soft light around its figure because that's what her presence always reflected.

Even people who weren't as close to Lisa could tell how much it made a change. There was no one squealing, complaining about the syllabus, overreacting or yelling "Yuri" 10 times in a 9 word sentence. There was no one whispering shit about Sir Wilson, no one getting annoyed seeing other student's wrong answers in assignments, no one there secretly let others copy their homework. No one there to complete the class as it was.

There were updates on Lisa but she wasn't found. Over the weekend some of her friends and classmates visited the office and were even taken for interrogation about her activities at college. Yuri, Heejin, Dahyun, Jimin, Jaebom and Yena walked up to the station that was responsible for the case. Only 2 were allowed at once so Yuri and Heejin entered knowing Lisa the best. There was no time for formalities or jokes. Both anxious figures had an unsure expression written upon them. There were no traces of her around the neighborhood, although many people claimed to have seen her. But the thing they're looking into the most was...

The CCTVs of certain shops and locations- just a few, were all deleted, malfunctioning or turned off during a particular time period. 10:30pm to 2:15am that night. People say it was the route from where Lisa went missing to where she was kept. There were also many other CCTVs deleted to not have revealed the exact route through the deleted CCTVs. In total around 36 CCTVs were deleted throughout the neighborhood. This meant it wasn't a one-man's job.

This seemed oddly familiar to Yuri. The CCTVs of the suicide case were also similarly said to be deleted without any traces left behind. She tried shrugging it off not wanting to burden her mind with another possible connection. She had to deal with the current issue before shifting back to the past.

Heejin and Yuri, both interrogated, had similar descriptions of Lisa that her parents had given. There was nothing wrong about her. She was beamish, a walking Golden Retreiver there was nothing in her for her to be running away from home. She scored well, had a good relationship with her friends and parents, was popular and on good terms with everyone. The officer recited only possible thing that could've happened to her which turned everything upside down.

1. She could've lost her way and ended up in a forest or isolated area. This was highly unlikely though for multiple reasons.

2. She either ran away with someone she loved. This was also very unlikely because she never had a lover plus when checked her social media chats through her computer, she had no such topics.

3. She was kidnapped.

It was the third option. Although they couldn't be hundred percent sure since they hadn't confirmed it with their eyes, it was the only possible scenario. Her phone was switched off at 10:32pm sharp, manually which meant the power did not run off. Like she told her mom, she went to the convenient store to get some snacks, she indeed had gone and the receipts were still available. The billing was done at 9:56pm and the clerk said there seemed nothing odd about her and her tone and presence seemed very natural. The convenient stores CCTVs were deleted at 10:17pm by an unknown which didn't even leave fingerprints which meant they didn't touch they keypad directly with their fingers. The police say whoever the kidnapper must be, it wasn't their first time performing such acts and they had to be prepared to be so cautious of everything.

It wasn't that easy knowing how much your every move can be recovered.

The store owners said many people had come through the store after Lisa left. The storeroom at the back of the shop was unoccupied  which meant an easy access for them to delete the footage. Officers believe some trace of the kidnapping must've been recorded outside or near the convenient store for which the footage had to be deleted. When checked all the receipts of that night, all those people were recorded somewhere else doing something else. This meant the person who deleted the files didn't buy anything from the store either. This made it harder for the clerk to recognize and give some physical details of the suspect. 

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