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Her eyes shot open finally hearing a soft voice.

"Yuri what's wrong?"
She heard Jimin whisper, concerned.
Everyone else was still asleep, obviously. You don't expect anyone to be mercilessly choking someone at the dead of the night. Frantically placing her hand on her ear, her skin shivered feeling no fluid.


She couldn't speak, it was as if she forgot how to breathe.

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed at her awkward gestures.

His hands moved swiftly passing her the bottle of water.
"Aye cheer up, it was just a bad dream"
He said giving her a wide smile, yet there was a hint of anxiousness in his expression, seeing her shiver, not out of the chill in the forest.

Oh only if it were a dream, Jimin.

"Do you want me to stay here with you?"

Yuri's heart thumped at the thought of her being alone with a boy in her one person space tent. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed seeing her blank expression as he realized what he said.

"Oh, I didn't mean it in that wa-"
"Pervert shut up."

He chuckled, "Yea yea I know... Unless-"
She hit him with her pillow as he stood up, with his eyes still squished into crescents.

"Alright, do let me know if you need anything though. I'm not sleeping, Mark snores way too loudly"

He playfully rolled his eyes before heading out. How does someone like him survive? How can he stay jolly and beamish all the time.

Does he not have his days where he feels like shit? He is like this floof of cotton candy that excites little children and pisses off the late teens because its too "lame". No one's life is perfect.

How does he hide his sadness?

His presence just distracted her for a while before she felt shivers again.

The whole "dream" seemed to be replaying infront of her.
Taking a heavy breath She laid back down and tried to get herself back. It felt like her soul left her body. She didn't know what she did, but she knew it was bad.

Really bad.

Her face felt warm as if it was burning. She hesistantly touched her neck.
She didn't feel pain. Obviously she wouldn't.

Her skin wasn't cut. It was crushed, until she felt her blood run cold.

She couldn't even look at a mirror out in the wild to check for bruises.
Jimin wouldn't have seen anything either because of how dark it was. Wiping the sweat off her face, she tried to process the fact that she nearly died- atleast that's what it felt like. Who could hold such an insane grudge? A grudge would be a mere understatement, this was bloody deadly.

But she hadn't done anything. Nothing flashes in her mind when they threaten her for what she's "done". Her whole life she'd just been minding her buisness. She had no bully, she was never one. Taehyung was probably the only person who showed actual "hate" towards her which now just felt like a method to get on her nerves. She still didn't know why he was after her, but she did know, it wasn't him.

It wasn't anyone she knew.

Because she'd never hurt anyone in the first place. There was no grudge. There was nothing she had done. No one had anything against her.

But then why her?

She couldn't sleep that night.
She probably could, but she chose not to. Staying awake, dehydrated and in insomnia seemed more pleasant than having the non existent bones in your neck turn into a pulp.

1st person pov

Bus 1 had left carrying half of the grade. I looked around and approached Dahyun, her being the first person I saw.

Dahyun and I weren't exactly close, she just seemed like the type of person who had a bond with everyone in campus, and I mean everyone. The mean girls, the shy ones and literally everyone in between. Some say shes even close with the teachers. It could be your first day, and you already had a best friend. Which is what I liked about her. Not only was she already a successful song cover artist on YouTube with an audience of more than 2 million, she was still extremely humble. I mean, I didn't even know about it, until a few weeks ago when Rose told me about it. Oh plus she can rap. You wouldn't guess with that bubbly face of hers.

"Hi Yuri"
She squealed wrapping her arms around my waist. She pulled out and frowned looking at me.

"Aish look at those dark circles, I couldn't sleep either, Mark's snores are louder than Yoongi's farts."

Am I the the only one who couldn't hear Mark's snores?

"What the fuck did you say?"
Yoongi emerged out of nowhere coming infront.

"Relax honey reality hurts."
She said giving him a wink.

Reality doesn't hurt.
It's your dreams that hurt.

It was probably just me but I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Yoongi's lips curve upwards.

I'd say there was an awkward silence now, but the surrounding chatters filled it since half of the grade was still here.

I decided to help her.

"Where's Heejin?"
"Oh, the students who woke up early already left. Including Heejin, Lisa and Yugyeom."

"I was gonna leave too but we had to leave with our partners."
We looked back and saw Taehyung sitting on a rock.

"It felt like eternity waiting for your skeleton to make its way out of the tent."

What would he know. I was awake the whole time, I just wasn't ready to go out and face everyone.

"Yaas the Ace and my wifey! Fight! 1×1 fight! wooo!"
Dahyun giggled as if it were some elementary schoolers having a fist fight.

"Dahyun and Yoongi have something going on"

I blurted out proudly. Taehyung's face however remained cold. Didn't we kind of... talk things out yesterday? And then I realized who he was staring at.


Right they had a fight, what the hell am I doing.

"Hey look the next bus has come let's get it quick."
I ran away from the scene leaving a flustered Dahyun and the beef between them.

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