Chapter 1

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Crying and screaming was echoing through the halls. The room and halls were completely dark. The only light that was emanating from the flashing lights formed machines. As well as the dim light from under the door. Then a bang was heard. The girl had shot up from her seat and now we are in a classroom. She realized that she had fallen asleep in class. The other students were laughing at the girl. Some of them just stared at her. At this point, the girl just ignored the other students. Standing over the girl's desk was her history teacher Mr. Parker. He was pretty tall for his age of early thirties. Or was it his late twenties?

"You'll be having detention today after class, Rose." Mr. Parker said.

"Gotcha. Like it matters anymore." Rose said, fixing her glasses and her goggles that were sitting on her head.

Her long green hair somewhat covers her tiny horns. Due to the fact that one of the horns was visible. But nobody seemed to notice the small horn.She touched them as she realized she was being stared at by the other students. Some thought they looked pretty cool looking. And some thought it was really weird. Even though Rose didn't give two shits about them. Or even in the school in a matter of fact. She was here for a reason. They were looking at her with looks that she was part of a freak show. Then Rose had felt her cheeks and realized that she was crying.

"I'm doing this so that he can be happy." Rose thought to herself.

Mr. Parker then walked back to teaching the class. She then rested her head on her hand. Luckily it was Rose's last class of the day. Rose didn't care if she got detention or not. It really never bothers her in the first place.For her, it was better than going home and doing nothing. The bell rang and everybody left except for Rose. Rose had placed everything in her bag and took out a comic. Then Mr. Parker walked over to Rose. She then looked up from reading her comic.

"Can I help you, sir?" Rose asked, looking at Mr. Parker with an emotionless look on her face.

"I believe this is yours. Also, you may leave if you want. Or you can stay and help whatever I need help with. I know you you came back to school because of what happened. But that isn't going to change that you are a student. I'll let this slide for now but next time it would be worse.''Mr. Parker said as he placed a ring on Rose's desk and then walked away from Rose.

The ring that Mr. Parker gave her was her mother's ring. It was a gold band with a lapis lazuli gem. As well as little blue topaz decorated the band.Rose placed her comic back in her bag. Rose stood up from her desk and quickly walked out of the classroom. Rose had placed her mother's ring on her finger when she was in the hallway. Walking through the halls Rose felt out of place in the damn school. Rose then got off the school.

"It feels weird being back." Rose thought to herself.

Rose was hiding from the seventh grade to the 10th grade. But she still got her education at an underground institute. Meanwhile, Blake was working with them but she couldn't see Rose at all. Rose was released from the institute so she could start her junior year. Everybody would look at her and not say a word. Rose didn't mind because she didn't care at all. As Rose was walking home people would notice her.

Rose then saw parents with their kids at a park that was near her house. Then her eyes had changed color. From purple to red.She then felt different for some odd reason. This is the first time this has ever happened to her. When she was in the institute this never happened to her. Except in the seventh grade. Then out of nowhere, a car beeped at Rose. Rose had shaken off the feeling which made her eyes change from red to purple. Rose walked across the street. Back at home, Blake was worrying his ass off about Rose being home late. Then the door slammed the front door. Blake looked at Rose with a worried look on his face.

"Where were you Rose?" Blake asked, running towards her giving her a hug.

"Blake, you need to stop being so paranoid," Rose said, shaking away from Blake's grip and walking away.

"It's not my fault that I'm like this. I haven't seen you for how long now. They kept me away from you for all these years." Blake said

"I never asked to be this thing, Blake! It's my fault that I'm this fucking thing! I never wanted to come back!" Rose yelled at Blake as she was standing on the top of the stairs.

"Rose don't be hard on yourself," Blake said as Rose slammed the door to her room. "You have changed so much since I last saw you."

Blake walked up the stairs to Rose's room. He heard a punch through a wall. As well as Rose talking to herself in a demonic voice. After a few minutes, Blake decided to walk into her room. Blake saw that Rose was sitting on the window sill looking out on the town. She was still wearing her school uniform. Her bag was opened and books, as well as notebooks, were all over the place. The goggles that were on her head were now sitting on a nightstand. As for the dent in the wall, the wall was a decent size. Blake looked back to Rose to see she was looking back at him.

"Sorry, Blake. I didn't mean to lash out at you." Rose said

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