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Evelyn POV:

I woke up all alone in my room I got out of bed and made my way to mommy and Daddys room while on my way there I saw that daddy was in his office.

"Daddy..." I said walking to daddy and making grabby hands at him and he of course picked me up .

"Why are you awake it's still early. "

"Well daddy I don't know, you tell me why are you awake. " I said in a sassy voice which made him laugh.

"Well daddy has to go to work how about you go and sleep abit more with mommy while I go to work hun." He said putting me down and I nodded and ran to their room.

I opened the door and saw mommy sleeping I giggled and jumped into their bed I got closer to mommy and got under the blanket I slowly lifted her shirt up and cuddled into her.

Elizabeth POV:

I woke up to alittle breath on my skin I opened my eyes and saw my 5 year old on my bare skin with her head in between my breasts I smiled to myself and I started to stroke her hair.

After a while she opened her eyes looking up and smiling at me "Morning mommy..." She said with a sleepy smile.

"Good morning angel. " I said kissing her head she let out a giggle as she pulled on my shirt "off." she said I was already half naked thanks to her so I took it off and she snuggled onto me, for some reason she loved doing this since she was a baby.

"Come on let's get up and make breakfast. " I said sitting up and putting my top back on, I stood up and looked at Evelyn who sat there for a moment before making grabby hands at me and I picked her up.

After making and eating breakfast she ran over to the living room while I did the dishes.

After I was done I walked into the living room where Evelyn was playing with her toys, I sat on the sofa and turned the TV on.

After a while I heard alittle 'Off' come from Evelyn she stood up and sat next to me "mama I'm bored. she said getting onto my lap.

"Well then what should we do baby." I said tucking her hair behind her ear, she thought for a moment...

"Let's go to the park mommy." She said putting her little hands on my cheeks "Okay come on lets get dressed we dont want to go to the park in our pj's do we. " she giggled and ran up to her room while I went to mine.

I helped Evelyn put her shoes on and locked the door, we walked to the car and I strapped Evelyn into her car seat and drove to the park. When we got there there was quite abit of children probably because of the good weather. I watched as Evelyn unstraped herself and ran to the park.

I walked over to the bench and sat down to read a book I had brought with me.

"Evelyn be careful!" I said closing the car door, Evelyn stopped running to look behind her I walked to her and kneeled.

"Mommy's going to go sit over there okay, be careful while playing. " I said before letting her run off.I sat on the bench I showed her and started reading the book I brought with me.

Evelyn's POV:

I ran to the swings and got on one and swinged the highest I could, after swinging for a while I got tried and went up the stairs to the slide I sat on the top floor and hung my legs down the side "Hello." I heard someone say "Hii." I said waving my hand it was a girl who looked not that much older then me "Wanna play?" She asked me and I nodded as a reponse standing up "Okay lets get down using the slide. " I said walking over to the slide to slide down. We played and I had alot of fun but...

While playing tag I tripped on a pebble "Oh no are you okay?" The girl who I now knew name was Lily "Yup!" I said standing up and wiping my hands on each other.

Elizabeth POV:

I was reading my book looking up to look at Evelyn every once in a while. After abit I noticed she had found a friend to play with and I smiled to myself. I looked up to look at Evelyn and she had tripped, I put my bookmark on the page I was on and closed the book and walked to Evelyn.

"Ev!" I said as I got closer, she looked up from her hands and smiled "Mommy!" She said with a wide smile on her face. I laughed as I thought no one would think this girl just fell on the floor. I walked over to her and knelt down so I was eye level with her "Baby didn't mommy say be careful." I said with a chuckle as I strocked her little face "You did but I'm clumsy, anyway mommy this is my friend Lily, Lily this is mommy."

She said introducing the little girl she was playing with "Hello." I said giving her alittle wave "Lily!" i heard a voice say. It belonged to a teenager whom I'm guessing is her brother "Come on let's go back mom said its getting late. " he said only looking at his sister "say bye to your friends. " she said taking Lily's hand "bye bye Evelyn. " Lily said waving at her "thank you for-" the brother said looking up and stopping mid way.

"Oh- I know you" the boy said with a shocked look on his face "Hello." I said picking Evelyn and balancing her on my hip.

"May I ask for a picture. " he said and I agreed, I put Evelyn down for a moment to take a picture with him. He thankes me before leaving with Lily.

"Now let's go to baby it's getting closer to your nap time and you haven't had lunch yet." I said picking Evelyn up and making our way home.

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