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Today me and Evelyn are going shopping. She's growing quite quickly so she needs new clothes. But she's quite the extrovert and I am not.

She likes to say hi to every single being she Sees which is honestly so cute.

Her tiny hand waving and her little voice saying hi. God I want to pinch her little cheeks every time she does that.

"Mama go now! " Evelyn yelled as I tried to put her shoes on. Aftee abit of struggle I finally put them on and we were put the door.

She slept on the way but woke up after I took her out the car.

"Mama we buy clothes for me? " she asked looking up at me with her big green eyes.

"Yes, baby we can buy a new bear onesie to. " after that one sentence her little face lit up.

I walked to where the carts were and I sat her in it. "Let's go! " I said as I pushed the cart.

As I expected she started saying hi to everyone which made everyone smile. Some complimented her and made comments about how cute she was while some smiled and giggled which made Evelyn giggle to.

"Mama see Ev make everyone happy. " she said waving her little legs.

"Yes you are aren't you. " I said stroking her little cheek.

When we got to the clothing area Evelyn saw a mannequin and said hi to them aswell which made me laugh.

I heard a tiny whine from her and I looked  at her to see a little pout on her lips.

"What's wrong hunny? " I asked taking her out.

She huffed and then suddenly started to cry. "Oh baby why the tears. " I asked as I put my cheek on her head.

"M-mama they didn't smile! " she yelled as she pointed at the mannequins. I laughed and she gave me a soft hit. "Mama! Why you laughing?! " she asked getting angry.

"Oh hunny they can't answer you because their not people. "

She stopped crying and sniffled before asking "Mama! That's rude they people look they have head legs and arms. " she said pointing. "

"Well hunny its like a big toy that's there to show you how the clothes look. So they aren't really people. "

I wiped her tiny tears and she nodded. "Oh my tiny bundle of joy jow about we get a new teddy and the onesie. " I said trying to cheer her back up which worked.

"Yay! Let's go buy teddy mama! Go go! "

I put her back in the cart and went to gey a onesie. After getting her some clothes we went to the toys aisle and looked around for a teddy bear.

When we found the section Evelyn looked at all the bears and finally choose a white one. "Mama I have brown and pink so White is new friend. " she said hugging the bear.

"Let's not hug it for now hunny we have to make teddy take a nice bath first and you can snuggle with it tonight okay. " she nodded and threw it in the cart.

Evelyn has alot of stuffed animals. She liked them quite alot but her favorites are her pink and brown teddy bears and now this white one.

She named the 2 at home Coco and Berry as in chocolate and strawberry. I won't be shocked if she named this one Nilla.

"Mama he's uh Bean! " she said shocking me.

"Why's he bean hunny? "

"Dada say vanilla is from a bean so he's bean. " she said with a proud expression.

"Well then hi bean. "

Hi! It's my birthday today so as a celebration I wrote something happy for once 😎.

My bday is the 20th of December btw which it's the 20th rn so yay for me.

Some people are already on break but mines on the 23rd of January which is sad. Also my exams start next week so rip U-U.

Anyway hope u enjoyed it even tho it was short love y'all.

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