A month

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Elizabeth's POV:

I held Evelyn's held tightly as we walked through the crowd. "Mommy I'm tired... " Ev whined.

"Not now baby. " I said. After abit I suddenly felt her hand disappear from mine. I stopped walking and looked back.

"Ev? " I said looking around the crowd. When I got no sight of her worry started to take over me.

I started walking back as I yelled her name but she wasn't anywhere. I asked people around but they hadn't seen her.

How is that possible! She couldn't have gone that far. I looked around for what felt like an eternity but I just couldn't find her.

A tear went down my cheek and that tear turned into sobs. I learned on a tree when my phone rang and it was Robbie.

"Hey Liz, I just got home and was going to ask when you and Ev would be back. " he asked.

"R-Robbie I can't find her... " I said through my sobs. "Liz who can't you find?" He asked in a worried voice.

"E-Evelyn we were walking and she let go of my hand and now I can't find her. Robbie I'm about to go crazy! " I said.

"Where are you!? " he asked and I told him. "Okay okay I'm coming you stay where you are. We'll find her okay. " he said reassuring me.

He ended the phone call and I held onto the tree as I felt light headed.

I sat on a chair as Robbie talked to the police officer. We reported her missing after an hour of not finding her and now we were here.

"Liz we'll find her. " was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was in the Er. With Robbie who was sitting on a chair.

I slowly sat up and just stared blankly. "I should have carried her... " I mumbled which made him look up at me.

"She told me she was tired, I should have stopped and carried her. " I said as I started crying. He stood up and sat next to me and took me into his embrace.

I crumbled to pieces in that Er.

Week 1

I layed in Evelyn's bed ignoring the fact that I couldn't breathe properly because my nose was clogged from crying.

I looked down at the floor which had a fluffly white rug on it. Ev loved how soft that rug was, she loved to play with her dolls on that rug.

"Liz... " I heard Robbie say as he entered the room. I looked at him and he had a tray of food. He walked in and put the food on the bedside table.

He made me sit up and held both my hands. "Shall we eat? " he asked. I didn't answer.

"Come on Liz you hardly ate this past week. " I stayed silent, I heard him sigh and take a spoon full of the food. He brought it up to my mouth. I turned my head away as I didn't have an appetite.

"Liz, when Ev comes back she wouldn't want to see you be so weak. Eat so that when she comes she sees you all nice and strong. " he said and I started to sob.

He moved my head with his hand and brought the spoon back up to my mouth. I hesitantly opened my mouth through my cries and started to chew.

I cried as I ate, I tried to stop but I couldn't. What would Ev be doing right now. Is she sleeping well is she eating well. That was all I could think as I chewed.

Elizabeth olsen daughter one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now