The List Goes On...

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What was I thinking?!?!

What was I thinking?!?!

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Read it but there are only 1-3 drafts in each that are completed (including author's note jajajaja)

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Read it but there are only 1-3 drafts in each that are completed (including author's note jajajaja). The list could go on but I didn't make any cover photos for some drafts and they're just sitting in my Hentai Edition Book as well as in The Paro-Parody Book.

I ain't gonna finisu those nor could I so I think I need therapy–

Nvm. Just kidding. Anyway, when I was making the Sensei Book, I noticed I have these other books. You remember I shared my ideas right? Well, I remember it now too. It was actually a good idea but nah, I am not good enough to write those nor do I have a talent for writing jajaja.

In any case, I can't fucking relax my brain because of too much ideas and thoughts.

Like how would Kiyotaka act if he possessed Ayanokouji-sensei from 20 years ago? Could he actually commit the deed with his own motha if he was in Ayanopapa's body?

Also, what would he do if he accidentally marries his stepsister after escaping WR after graduation?

There's more, so how will Kiyotaka react if he was in a lucky pervert/ lucky sukebe incident with each CotE waifus?

Would Kiyotaka smash Albert if he was a woman? What if Arisu's mom was alive and Papayanagi is dead, then Mamayanagi teaches him about evwrything, would he smash the daughta or the motha?

If Kiyotaka had a mind-reading ability, would he find peace?

If Matsuo didn't die, will Kiyotaka not have Tsubasa as a puppy?!?!?!?!?!

Anyway, that's all... for now.


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