Chapter 7: Back To The Nicknames Now, Are We?

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Sorry for such the late update! I was lazy! Don't hurt me! *hides behind couch*

Chapter 7: Back to the Nicknames Now, Are We?

"Trent!" I said squirming out from under Drew, "what are you doing home so early? It's only been like two and a half hours," I said, it was only ten o'clock at night and if you knew my brother you would know that he party's till it's two in the morning. "I came back to check on you, I know you hate being home alone but I guess you aren't," Trent said slowly and awkwardly. "uh no he was just about to leave!" I said, I felt a pile of guilt build inside of me, I couldn't believe I was kicking Drew out. "I was?" Drew questioned, "Mhm," I nodded quickly. He had a hurt look in his eyes as he exited my bedroom, I deeply sighed and fell onto my back on my bed.


"Drew!" I screamed running down the school hallway like a maniac. "stop!" I said trying to catch up to him. I tripped and ran right into back, I bounced off the back of him falling on my face watching my books glide across the floor. I put my palm to my forehead. He stood there like post watching me, he didn't fall? I slowly crawled 5 feet across the hall to my book, gathering my materials. I stumbled on my feet, standing up.

I swiftly turned on my heels, "gee thanks for helping up," I muttered. "what?" Drew asked, "nothing," I shook my head. "why were you running away from me?" I asked. "I-I wasn't." he stuttered, I rolled my eyes, "I'm not freakin stupid," I huffed. "stop. I'm not mad," he said sternly, he began to wall away but I pulled his arm back. "no! I will not let you walk away from me like this!" I said loudly, his face had no expression, he yanked his arm out of my grip and went to class. I stood in my spot, jaw dropping to the floor.

He thinks he's so clever. He thinks he can ignore me? I think not, we have almost all of our classes together. I scurried after him and headed to science. As I approaches the room I was greeted by my science teacher, "your late." Mr. Provost said. I rolled my eyes, scanning over the classroom for Drew. I found him but of course he was sitting next to some spunky blonde chick flirting with him endlessly. My face burned red, I ended up sitting in the back of the room in the right corner, it was the only empty seat, and of course it was right behind Drew and the blonde chick. I didn't even know her name...

She giggled and fluttered her eye lashes... I began to gag. Talk about desperate. "are you okay? Are you choking?" she asked me, I didn't realize my gagging looked like I was joking. My face went blank, "uh... I'm fine," I said smiling slightly. She continued flirting, putting her hands on his fore arms, brushing her knee against his, laughing at all his horrible jokes and cocky comments. It began to get very irritating, I was about to say something but nothing came out. I can't be that mean to some girl I barely even know... I groaned throwing my head into my desk, surprisingly it hurt more than I expected, I gasped, "ouch," I said rubbing my forehead. "uh... are you okay?" Drew asked, "no," I mumbled. Drew raised his hand, what the heck is he doing? "can I take Heather to the office? She banged her head on her desk," he said, suddenly every pair of eyes were on me and my face was pink. "Yes, you may," The teacher said. We both stood up and walked out of the classroom, he totally ditched the blonde girl.

"what's your problem?" I asked falling into his step. "whats my problem? You sure as hell no what my problem is," he retorted. Excuse me? Did he just swear at me? "the hell? Stop being so stubborn and tell me!" I pouted, I began to get a terrible head ache. "you can't just throw me out of your house like that," he mumbled, I make a sarcastic laugh, "is that seriously what your mad about?" I asked, dang he was sensitive! "yes I am!" he crosses his arms. "well... I'm sorry," I said opening the door to the office, "Hi may I have some ice?" I asked the lady at the front desk, she nodded getting up to get my ice for my head. "what ever Heather," Drew said, so is that how it is now? He calls me Heather when he's mad? And only calls me shortie when satisfied? "your not going to call me shortie?" I asked, Drew shook his head. "Here you go dearie," the lady at the desk said handing me an ice pack. "Thank You," I replied. We walked back to class in an awkward silence, I felt very uncomfortable only wanting to blend in with the walls. Before he walked into the classroom he took me by surprise, and gave me a big bear hug. I stood there like a post at first but then I wrapped my arms around his chest, breathing in his smell. "I'm sorry, I can't stay mad at you shortie," he said, wow his guy had a lot of mood swings! "back to the nicknames now, are we?" I smirked untangling my arms from him. "shutup." he said before heading back to class.


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Next update: no later than a week I promise!!(:

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