Chapter 27: Feel His Abs

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Chapter 27: Feel His Abs

"So how was Alley's?" Drew asked. "Why?" Jealous?" I smirked. "Maybe." He rolled his eyes. "Shut up." I said laying across his bed. "Make me." Drew challanged. "Really? You want me to?" I threatened. "Do it, you won't." He said scooting closer to me. I knew exactly what he meant when he wanted me to shut him up. I sat up, and stared at him for a while. His golden eyes captivated me. I pecked his lips and smiled. "Shut you up enough?" I laughed. "Uh no." Drew sassed. I waved him off. "Go to bed child." I crossed my arms.

Drew's phone made a ding sound. I looked at Drew. He looked at me. I had a sly smile slowly formed on my lips. We both ran after his phone on the kitchen island down stairs. I yelped as I tried pushing him out of my way down the stairs. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" I yelled. " No..." He groaned.

"Hello, Heather speaking." I answered his phone out of breath. "Hey, it's Josh. Tell Drew the boys and I are meeting up at Little G's tonight, around five. I mean you can come to if you want." Josh spoke. "Yeah I'll tell him." I said sweating. "Phew..." I spoke under my breath, I dragged the back of my hand across my hot red forhead. "Here you go." I said giving Drew his phone back. "Gee thanks for giving back my phone. Who was that?" He said putting his hands in his pocket. He looked so cute and shy doing that. "Josh." I replied. I sat on the couch in the living room. Drew followed me. "What did he want?" He plopped next to me. "Him and the boys will be at Little G's. Be there at five." I flipped through channels.

"You don't mind if I go out tonight?" He said.

"Well no, but they said I could come." I said.


"I guess I could stay back if you want..."

"Nah, you're fine."



Drew spun the keys around his finger as he hopped out of his truck. "Here you go, my lady." Drew bowed as he opened the door for me. "What a gentleman, thank you sir." I curtsied all fancy and proper. "The pleasure is mine." Drew got on his knee and kissed my hand. "You can stop acting now." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. We were hand in hand as we walked through the doors of Little G's. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the amazing smell of pizza.

"Hey Parker over here! Hey man! Scored a girl tonight, eh?" They all hollered. Is that what boys do? Call each other by their last names and notice the chicks they're with? Boys will be boys. I sat down next to Drew at the large table. There was pop and Pizza scattered across the table. Sports were played on the TV. And music was thumping pretty loudly. "Sup Heather?" Joey nodded his head. I looked down at my hands in my lap not really sure what to say. Why am I socially awkward? You don't just ask a person what's up in person, you know? I slowly looked cross the table in front of me to see if he was still looking at me. Well yeah, what do you know? He was patiently tapping his finger across the table waiting for a response. "Oh, sorry uhm, nothing, what about you?" I pretended to not hear. "Nothing." Joey shrugged. Cool. Great conversation starter.

I gazed down the table to see who was here. Just Josh and Joey were the only guys I knew. And Drews attention was on the boys, not me. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I'm just in that spot where I'm not sure what to say. "You wanna feel Drews abs?" The boy next to Drew asked me. I looked at Drew, and then back at him, and then back at Drew again. "Uh... I..." I mumbled. Before I knew it, the guy grabbed my hand and pressed it against Drews stomach. I laughed slightly pulling away. "You liked it." He winked.

"Who is he?" I raised an eye brow whispering into Drews ear. "That's Blake, he's a perv but he's cool don't worry." Drew shook his head. "Gotcha'." I slowly nodded. "Is this your girl man?" Blake asked. "Yep, she's my girl." Drew smiled wrapping his arm around me. "Yeah, that's me." I grinned. "Nice catch dude." They high fived each other. I blushed, I could physically feel it. I was getting sweaty. It's just a bad habit it of when I'm nevrous.

"Dude, is she good at the lip bite? You know I love lip bites." Blake spoke. "Same man. But I don't know I've never seen her do it." Drew responded.

"Show us." Blake demanded.

"No." I flatly said.

"Why not?"

"I'll embarrass myself."

"C'mon, we're all friends here. We won't judge."

"I don't know how to do it."

"You just bite your lip... it's not that hard.

"Haha, still a no."

"But I love when girls do it." He pouted.

"It's true, he does." Drew nodded agreeingly.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" They all chanted. I didn't even know they heard our conversation... My heart was racing. I don't want to embarrass myself! But I'll look like a total loser if I don't. "Guys no." I raised my eye brows.

What the fluffers? I kid you not, I could slap them across face right now. "She's so prude." Josh sighed shaking his head. "I am not!" I protested. "Oh yeah? Explain little girl." Blake cut in raising an eyebrow. "I've had my first kiss. And I've had a boyfriend before." I stated. "I bet you your first kiss was with Drew, and he was your first boyfriend." He challanged. "Dammit." I muttered under my breath. "You haven't even kissed? With tongue? Nothing?" Blake said chuckling. "Uhm... No..." I hissed. "Drew has, he can teach you." Blake suggested. "Cool." I said, unsure of what the freak I'm supposed to say.

"I really can teach you if you want." Drew winked. "Ew, shut up." I punched him in the shoulder. "Someone's prude if you ask me..." Blake said in a high pitched voice. "What's so bad about it?" I snapped. If it bothers you so much go find some slut bag to tease then. "Well guys like girls that are more out going..." Blake said. I looked at Drew. "Nah, my perfect little angel is fine the way she is." He said pulling me in to kiss my forhead. I smirked."You hear that?" I laughed. "Hey, I'm sorry I was just messing around. Don't tell my mother on me!" Blake sarcastically pleaded. He raised his hands in surrender. I just chuckled.

A few guys laughed. They're sexual inappropriate freaks. But they're funny. To be honest, I could get used to friends like this...



GOV: 15?

Next update: One to two weeks!

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