24 - Found

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Kipo continued to glance back at the two cured mutes, muttering to herself in nervousness. "Are you one hundred percent sure that they're only mildly injured?" She asked, looking over to Good Billions.

"Well, Margot is limping, but Rupert doesn't seem as harmed as she is." He says, adjusting his glasses.

"It'll be a good idea to let Lio and Song look at them to calm your nerves down," Wolf says, looking over to Kipo. "Since you're so worried about them, it'll be best to get them help as soon as possible." They say, patting her back for comfort.

"I have so many questions I want to ask them, and all the cured mutes, but..." Kipo says, trailing off.

"They're cured." Good Billions finishes, lowering his ears at the thought of his brother.

"It'll be something different if they could actually talk. Who knows if it'll be worse or better." Wolf rambles, looking down at Margot and Rupert.


Kipo, Wolf, and the mutes walk towards the clinic; Kipo glances at Pepin, who was resting in the recycled greenhouse. "Mom? Dad?" She calls out, walking into the small building.

"Yes?" Song answers, not looking up from her work.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt you trying to work on the cure, but we kind of have... Something important." The hybrid taps her fingers together, fidgeting a little. "Well, more like someone important... Several someone's."

"You found more mutes?" Lio asks, looking over at his daughter.

"Yes," Kipo says, looking over to the entrance as the rest of the group walks in.

"Well, we found Rupert and Margot, but..." Wolf trails off, allowing the two cured wolf mutes to walk up from behind her. "Emilia cured them." They finish, narrowing their eyes a little when they say the doctor's name.

"Mh..." Lio hums sadly, holding a hand out to the two wolves.

Song looks up from her work, jumping a little once she lays eyes on Margot and Rupert. "Oh goodness, sorry for making them wait." She says, scrambling to put away her work.

"Could you tell us how they got hurt?" Lio asks, sitting up.

"N-No, sorry..." Good Billions says, lowering his ears. "I could guess, but it wouldn't be safe to assume." He mutters, scratching his neck. "The Timbercats say that Emilia did it, obviously, but it's not known when. My best guess is that it happened when we were attacked at Timbercat Village, but I could be wrong."

"Anyways, enough with talking, we'll get out of your way so you can help out Margot and Rupert," Kipo says, cupping her hands together. Good Billions and Wolf leave, with the hybrid behind them.

"... Now that we found Rupert and Margot, what now? It's not like we can do anything to help Lio and Song." Wolf says, flexing her grip on her staff.

"I still have to help the Newton Wolves get back their telescope. You can join and help if you'd like." Kipo answers, taking a small glance at Good Billions.

"I'm not sure... I guess I'll join, but if I get bored, I'm leaving." The kid says, getting a laugh out of the hybrid.


"I'm telling you, grabbing it with your mouth in Mega Jaguar form is way easier!" Wolf calls down to Kipo, who was struggling to get a hold of the telescope with her mega paws.

"I don't want to cause damage to it!" Kipo calls out, grunting with effort.

"You act like you and your friends haven't already done that." Good Billions says, flicking his tail. "It's most likely that we're going to have to replace the lens and possibly the inside mirrors as well."

Kipo shakes her head, transforming into the Mega Jaguar; she grabs the telescope between her teeth, raising herself to her back legs to be level with the observatory. Wolf and Good Billions move out of the room, allowing Kipo to set the telescope down.

"See? I told you it would be easier," Wolf says, "and you didn't do much damage to it."

Kipo morphs back into a human, letting out a sigh. "Yeah, yeah, 'I told you so'." She slowly shakes her head, "geez... This lens is damaged pretty badly... Are you sure we can replace this?" The hybrid says as she walked to the front of the telescope.

"Maybe it's because you and your group, oh I don't know, sent it down the mountain." Good Billions says, narrowing his eyes yet not baring his teeth. "More importantly..." The Newton Wolf inhales, calming himself down. "Are we sure we'll be able to replace it and get it in place before the other mutes move into Las Vistas?" He asks, lowering his ears.

"Shoot... Well, we have three days left, four counting this one, before it happens. We could squeeze finding a lens, replacing it, and setting up the telescope in three days, right?" Kipo asks, tapping her foot.

"We could if we get to work. Come on, let's see if this observatory has something." Wolf says, walking out of the room.

"Good Billions, could you see if you can remove the lens out of the telescope?" The hybrid asks, slowly backing up towards the door.

"I suppose so... I've had to do it at least once before, so it shouldn't be too hard." Good Billions says, walking up to the front of the telescope.

"Great! Thanks, Good Billions." Kipo leaves the room, running after Wolf. "Wolf, Good Billions says he's had to replace the lens at least once or twice, so that's proof that there has to be lenses somewhere here in the observatory." She says, catching up to them.

"And he didn't tell you where they were?" Wolf asks, lifting an eyebrow.

"Um... No, he didn't." Kipo says with a light, awkward laugh.

"You didn't think to ask him?" The kid asks, a hint of annoyance in their voice.

"No, I guess not." The hybrid admits, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, hey, this way we can hang out together while we look, hm?" Kipo says, nudging the other human.

"... I'm still not telling you what Hugo and I talked about," Wolf says blankly.

"Wh- I didn't even- How did you-?" The hybrid sputters, a look of confusion appearing on her face.

"Oh, I was just guessing... The fact that we're alone looking for a lens and nobody's around to hear me tell you... And you just admitted it yourself," Wolf explains, slowly shaking her head.

"I didn't even begin to ask you about it and you still managed to guess." Kipo moves her hands around with exaggeration, narrowing her eyes.

"Mh, I'd tell you if I didn't promise I wouldn't tell anyone... Especially you." The kid explains, shrugging.

"'Especially me'? Wait, wait, what do you mean especially me?" The hybrid asks, pointing to herself.

"The both of us, me and Hugo, know how you'd react if you knew." Wolf shakes their head, "you're the last person I'd tell... Well, second to last that is." She says, looking away from Kipo.

"The second to last?" The hybrid repeats, shifting her gaze to the ground to think. "Wait..." Kipo mutters, stopping in her tracks. "This is about a crush he has, isn't it!?" She asks, shaking her fists up and down. "Come on! That's gotta be it! You wouldn't tell me because I'd get all excited and tell my mom and dad! And I'm the second to last because you wouldn't tell his crush, would you?"

Wolf stops, looking at the hybrid with a straight face. "... Is that not it?" Kipo asks, her smile and movements fading.

"Well, as I said, I'm not telling you. If anything, Hugo will tell you when he's ready. I don't think he'd want me telling you." They answer, continuing their walk.

"Aww... Maybe if I keep bugging Hugo about it, he'll tell me." Kipo says with a giggle.

"I advise that you don't do that." The kid says, shaking their head.

"Hey, he's my brother. What are siblings if they don't bother and pester each other about their secrets, huh?" Kipo says, poking Wolf's shoulder.

"They'd still be siblings?" The kid says, confused. "Anyways, let's find that lens." Wolf waves a hand; Kipo speeds up a little to be next to them.

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