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I've never been so sad I don't want to sing. I love singing! I miss her even though I saw her at 2:30. She posted a pic on instagram showing what me and my bud drew on her today saying we vandalysed her like a bench. I asked if she would be my bench that I stole from the park that sits in my room to make me happy and to vandalyse whenever I wanted to... I miss her. :,( Hope riding my horse will clear my head.

--------------Rides Horse-------------

My minds a little clearer. Still my heads stuffed but I might cope. My promises shall be kept.this is almost like a diary with no names! Lol! See I'm almost free though I will always miss her. I will awake missing her...

When Sugar comes on the radio I shall switch channels. Even if it's my favorite channel! For she hated that song for some strange reason. Now all it does is remind me of her... *takes a moment to cry* Ok I'm back. Sorry. My question now is when do I tell my mom? Its... Idk... How do I tell her? Should I tell her?


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