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Okay, let's jump right in! They year is 2011. I'm in fifth grade. I've just gotten into reading books because I've read Warriors (By: Erin Hunter). My BFF N also goes through this struggle with me.

Now apparently the guys in my class T and R and J a little bit, (again secret code names) these boys think that these books are (quote unquote) 'stupid' *gasps are heard around the room* I KNOW ITS TERRIBLE!!

Anyways, T is like the leader of this all. But R came up with the name. The KKK. (I know the real meaning is Klu Klux Klan.) Apparently to T, R, and J, KKK means Krazy Kat Klan. EVEN THOUGH ALL THOSE WORDS START WITH C'S!!!!

So my most memorable moment is when I blew a fuse... We were standing in line by our gym because we had just come in from recess. T had gotten all the guys to all start calling me and N the KKK.

They were like "Hey are you gonna go use your litter box?" (To my friends, imagine Peter saying this in his high pitched squeaky voice... Kinda like his kid on crack voice...) And other shit like that. That's when I lost it and I screamed "WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT?! UGHHHH!!!" they fell dead silent as I stormed off into the gym, sat around the corner and broke down into tears. They just looked at each other.

I always had gotten the worst of the 'KKK' names. I kept everything bottled up then exploded on that day. That day pretty much marked the end. Then knew my rage that hid beneath that cheezy smile.

BTW everything in "this" are actual quotes.

I remember them. The quotes. Never will forget. Never.

Now most of you are probably saying to yourselves 'KITTY?! WHY DIDNT YOU GO TO THE TEACHER?!" well, I had. Many times actually. However, she said "I can't do anything if I don't see it." Now if I knew the swears i know know back then I would've said BULL SHIT!! cuz it was!!

It wasn't until the next year that over the summer T finally grew up and either forgot or realized how mean that was and they never have said a word about it again.

There also was another time in gym class. So in gym, we have spots, well my spot just happened to be in a square of four lines... You can imagine how this turned out. Also R sat next to me... Ya didn't go down so well... R used to say "Oh look at the kitty in her little litter box!!" It hurt so damn much.

The gym teacher knew. So I had a code with the her that when I came up to her asking to go to the bathroom and 'itched' my nose she would let me go. No matter what. She knew and tried hard to stop it. That's why I liked her. No one else does though. I do agree she is for younger kids though.

Ms. S sure she's a bit of a bitch now but with us as little kids she was pretty cool.

Anyways, I'm just glad I didn't know what cutting and suicide was cuz I might have done one or both.

Imagine living in this for a year! However, I liked 5th grade. It showed me what reading really is. So I found some good there.


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