Chapter 5: Mommy Doesn't Like Guests

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It felt like hours falling down the hole, before I hit solid ground, still sliding, lights bean appearing in rings around me all the way until I was dropped into a new area.

Looking back I had come out of one of three slides, the middle one titled Elliot Ludwig, on the left was one labelled Leith Pierre, and the one to the right, Stella Greene.

Beside Leith's slide, was a closed off gate with no label, beside Stella's was a somewhat opened double door with Power labelled above, and opposite the slides, was a closed off area called The Game Station.

I went through to the power room, looking around at the pillars as I searched for the outlet and power button.

The power button and outlet both had a puzzle I had to deal with, before I could do anything.

After 10 minutes of trying to figure it out, I managed to get it in the end, powering up this side of the building.

Walking out of the Power room to see the Game Station gate opening up, I walked through, looking down at the Corridor with the bright red light at the end above the door, I couldn't see the ceiling, which made me feel uneasy for some reason.

I got up to the closed gate with the red hand symbol above it, using the grab pack to try and open it, but...

Something pink grabbed my hand and tore it from my grab pack.

"A new playmate!" A high pitched, almost childish voice sounded in the dark above me, causing me to jolt and move back hurriedly.

 lowering down was a toy I hadn't seen a lot of, but I remember buying one at some point, a long thin body and circle head, and oddly familiar green eyes, which I couldn't place, she had one hand still in the darkness above.

Mommy Long Leg's lowered down to where I was, while she spoke more.

"It's been soooo, looong." She purred, before she seemed to stop for a moment, tilting her head at me, she looked almost confused, with a hint of relief, but it didn't seem like she knew why, she then brought down her hidden arm and looked up while continuing.

"Isn't this exciting Poppy?" She asked, bringing the porcelain doll to her.

""Very exciting Mommy!" Mommy Long Legs spoke in a higher pitched, almost like a child playing with her toy, it didn't look like Poppy was able to speak, something looked like it was covering her mouth.

"Mommy heard that Miss Poppy was going to just, give you the train code to escape." She told me, staring down with that dead fucking smile that was far to wide.

"Now, how is that fun?" She asked, twisting her body around to be upside down, as if her hanging from the ceiling wasn't creepy enough.

"Instead, why don't we make a game out of it?" She spoke, her question was rhetorical, something about her made me believe this wasn't up for debate, she wouldn't tolerate no, I internally sighed, not liking where this was going, if Huggy Wuggy was any indication, I was in a lot of trouble.

"The Game Station is still working, it will be just like old times!" She spoke cheerfully, that didn't help at all, especially if the "Old Times" was what caused the staff to disapear.

"And, if you win all three games, I'll give you the train code!" Mommy spoke in her "Poppy" voice, shaking Poppy around around to make it seem like she's speaking herself, before she gasped out.

"Mommy loves that idea Poppy, oooh, you're going to have so much fun!" She praised.... herself?

"Head to musical memory, and Mommy will get things started!" She told me, before she started to lower herself down incredibly close to me, causing me to fall backwards as she spoke in a darker tone.

"Obey the rules, or I'll tear you apart, and eat your insides, while you're still alive..." She warned, still smiling that fucked up smile, she started giggling afterwards, before full on laughing and scuttering off behind her back into the dark void.

I laid on my back for a short while, staring up at the ceiling, not sure if it was safe to move yet.

When I got back up, I noticed the previously locked gate was now open, probably from the spider bitch, I reluctantly walked through, only having one grab pack arm left and Poppy held capitive.

I walked unto a room with a empty toy box and a bloodied PJ pugapiller on the floor, the gate on the opposite side of me closed, with a lever next to it. 

I pulled down the lever, opening the gate and allowing me through.


What the hell did she have planned for me, she seemed unhinged, so, these games will have a risk, won't they? 

I shrugged off the thought and carried on the path, why were her eyes so familiar, who was she when she was human?

Walking into the Game Station, I heard the room's lights start to turn on one by one, causing a loud noise with each  light, showing me a giant to train that moved like a normal train, a sign behind it called Game Station.

Surrounding the entirety of the room was a playground, filled with lots of entertainment for kids, this place must of been popular with how much they had here.

I walked up to the train, heading for the plaque in front of it.

I pulled one of the three levers on the plaque, activating a recorded message.

"Hi kids, welcome to the Game Station, I'm Stella, and we've got three super duper fun games to play, these little tests show us, just how crazy strong and smart you are, follow Mommy Long Legs down the stairs, and we'll start by playing musical memory, see you in a bit!" The recording finished, leaving me confused, stunned and very concerned. 

I had brought my niece here multiple times, what did Stella mean by tests? Why the hell were they testing children for anything? I know they didn't have mine or my sister's consent to test Kayla, did that mean they didn't have consent from any of the other parents?

I walked away from the plaque, moving to over to where I saw the musical memory game, walking up to it, the sign lit up and opened the red door covering the floor, allowing me access to another room.

I heard clanking sounds, and to my right was a broken wall where I could slip through, a locked door on my left and a blocked off half gate in front of me.

I went through the broken wall, walking down the corridor to a hole in the floor, why did this building have so many holes?

I dropped down into a tunnel system, crawling through the new pathway, onto a warehouse factory area, there weren't really any lights for me to see properly, but a red light above a lever caught my attention, I pulled it down until the light went green.

Lighting up the room, showing me some new machines, I saw one of the pipes next to the right machine had been bent out of shape, so I used my blue hand to pull it back, I may need it.

I went to the machine panel which had a beeping red light, I pressed the button with a raindrop in it, causing the right machine to fill up with white balls, that got heated into a liquid, wax maybe?

a second button lit up, so I pressed that too, causing the wax to travel up the pipe I fixed and into a second machine, pourign the liquid into a machine with hands on it's side, creating multiple hands in it.

The machine put the newly made hands onto a conveyer belt, moving it forward under a third smaller machine.

I pressed the next button that lit up, but a warning sign appeared, informing me I had no pain in the machine, I sighed, before looking around, wondering where the hell the paint would be.

But another thing was on my mind.....

Why were those green eyes so familiar to me?

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