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we headed to the nightclub and got some drinks, some were partying, others weren't.

we got some champagne and sat at a table not far from the exit.

me and ella were chatting.

she was telling me how funny martinus is and stuff but just wanted to know what happened between me and marcus.

when i started to explain we were interrupted by, you know who, the boys!

we finally found them- well, they finally found us! they got themselves some drinks as ella motioned me to tell her about marcus but i didn't because i was too scared he would hear.

they came back with some beer and we all talked.

"sooo y/n... i heard you're looking for a job?" martinus started.

i nodded as i took a sip of my champagne.

"me and marcus were thinking that maybe we can work together and you can be our photographer for concerts and such?"

a smile appeared on my face.

"thank would be amazi-"

"you guys do concerts?" ella interrupted.

"did martinus not tell you?" i said.


"oh, but yes they do do concerts"

"that's so cool, do you guys have lots of followers?" ella said.

i sighed "ignore her"
i said to the boys as they smiled.

"no it's totally okay, we have about 3 million on instagram" marcus said.

to be honest, i was shocked myself when i heard him say that.

"3 MILLION?" ella shouted.

"ella shut the fuck up!" i said, as she covered her mouth realising how loudly she said 3 million.

"but yes, as i was saying, i'd love that"

"amazing, can we get your email and phone number so we can send it to our manager? he'd be amazed to hear a new photographer has been found"

i laughed and handed them my phone number.

"don't mind me saving your contact?" marcus said, making eye contact.

"not at all" i said.

"marcus is moving fast" martinus said to ella as they both laughed.

"shut up!" i said, blushing whilst writing my email and phone number down onto marcus' phone.

marcus was just looking at me, and i hope i didn't have anything on my face.

i eventually handed him my email and phone number and then we all continued talking.

we ended up drinking a lot, and as you know, we got slightly tipsy, but i think i might've been the worst out of all of us.

i was very sensitive to alcohol and so even drinking a glass of something would make me not think straight.

i had wine at dinner and champagne at the nightclub so it wasn't going so well..

i couldn't walk straight, marcus ended up controlling me by holding my waist in front of him.

ella would hold one of my hands and martinus would just walk and laugh.

we got to the elevator and i got scared and confused when the lift started to go up.

it made everyone laugh when they looked at my confused face.

it was 11pm and we all went to our rooms.

i flopped down onto the bed where ella did as well, shortly after, and we fell asleep almost immediately.


we woke up at 7:30am just in time for breakfast.

i took my phone off of the charger, luckily ella plugged my phone in for me since i was completely blacked out.

i noticed i had some text messages from marcus.

marcus: heyy, what are your plans for today?
marcus: me and martinus will leave for breakfast now, if you need me or anything, we will probably be by the beach today :))

i smiled at the messages, obviously catching ella's attention as she snatched my phone teasingly.

"who's texting youuuu" she said.

she gasped when she saw marcus' name in my phone.

"HE LIKES YOU" she said.

"no ella she just was wondering what my plans are for today"

"well what will we do?"

"i wanted to go to the billiards maybe?" i suggested as she smiled and nodded.

"okay don't get too excited over me and marcus ella, let's just get ready for the day."

just a holiday crush (marcus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now