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[Next day-saturday]

It just seems like the weekends is the only time when I can actually be my self. You know,where I can  be calm and relax while I walk around with messy buns with sweats on.

It's around noon and my boyfriend  surprisingly had some free time on his hands and decided to come over. We were sitting in the living room because I'm not allowed to have a boy in my room. "Ha Ha" I know.
Hoseok was also wearing sweats, because why not? Since my parents are out for the weekend, I thought it would be nice for him to sleep over tonight. It's not the first time, trust me.
We were just hanging out on the couch in silence while I was playing with his hair when he randomly jumped up and turned to me.

"Yah, just what the heck was that about yesterday? It's still bothering me. Why was he pinning you like that? THAT WASN'T A CONFESSION WAS IT?!" Hoseok panicked.

I looked at Hoseok pretty confused and shocked. "It isn't anything you're thinking that's for sure, you even saw it. He only have me the lollipop. Anyway let's start the movie okay? Come on." I hissed.
Hoseok went over to the tv stand and grabbed the remote to play the movie. Hoseok then took a seat beside me. As the movie went on I started to tear up. The main character had just lost her boyfriend, I felt bad for her. The way he was pushed off a bridge by his best friends just triggered my poor heart.
I heard Hoseok chuckle. "Are you crying?" He asked me. I shook my head and placed it in the pillow.

"No! I just yawned and tears came out ! I'm not crying!" I spat.

Hoseok grabbed my head and pulled it onto his chest. "Im not a fool (y/n). You're obviously crying." Hoseok chimed. Hoseok pulled me off of him and wiped my eyes. "(y/n) you shouldn't cry. Crying makes you have wrinkles, and I don't want you to age before me. Araso?" Hoseok chimed. I hit hoseok and smiled. "yah pabo! You're such an idiot you know ~" I chimed. Hoseok went into the kitchen.
"Do you want me to make you hot chocolate?" He asked me.

"Omo~ can you make it the special way you always make it? Please~" I whined.

Hoseok nodded as he reached for the tea pot and filled it. "Now all we have to do is wait!" Hoseok chimed. I went to the fridge to take out the chocolate. "tada" I chimed.
"Do you have cream?" Hoseok asked me.
I looked in the fridge then to him,
"oh no!" I said.
Cream is the best part of his hot chocolate! Without it it's not the same!! "Hey hey don't worry, I can quickly make some! " Hoseok chimed.

Hoseok got all the ingredients and placed them in the mixer. I watched as the cream began to fluff.
"Oh!! It's looking so good! Can I try it?" I asked him.
"yeah" he chimed. I grabbed a tiny spoon and dipped it into the cream to taste it. It was so sweet and light. Better than the store kind!
"This taste so good! " I chimed as I gave him a thumbs up! Hoseok started to giggle. "Jagiya~ You have some left on your face." hoseok pointed out. I tried to follow his signal to wipe my face, I even used my tongue. Hoseok grabbed my hands.
"stop stop stop, it's still there. let me get it" Hoseok chimed as he picked at my face.
"Got it!" He smiled.
Hoseok's facial expression then changed to something more worried or nervous. Whats wrong? What's on his mind? Is he still thinking about what happened yesterday? Hoseok mumbled something like.."This all feels like a dream.." It was only a mumble but, I'm sure that's what he said. "huh?" I asked. Hoseok pushed me back against the fridge then pulled my hips to his, his left hand cupped the side of my face before he kissed me. I could feel the redness in my face forming. I wanted to push him off and scream but I didn't; I couldn't. It's my first kiss so I wanted it to last alittle longer. All the blood in my body began to boil with the teapot that whistled a piercing pitch. When hoseok pulled away from the kiss I was red but not as red that he was.
Nervously, I walked back to the living room and thought to my self. He just...I don't think I can handle this. I wasn't ready for that. My heart was. beating at 95mph.  Am I going to die? This isn't normal. Is this what a heart attack feels like? Nevermind I don't want to know.
I sat on the couch with my knees in my chest as I hugged a pillow to hide my red face. Hoseok came around with the hot chocolate and placed it on the table. Instead of sitting next to me, he sat on the far side of the couch. Drinking the coca as if it was some sort of  peek-a-boo game with hoseok. How childish.
We would look at each other then turn away, it was so obvious.
I was about to finish cup when I notice he didn't have a cup, just a water. "Where's yours" I asked him. He looked at me. "I didn't want any"he hissed. I took the last sip of my coca then chucked my pillow at his head.
"yah!" He hissed.
I jerked back then sarcastically clenched the spot over my heart. "omo...you scared me! No need for an attitude ! "I hissed.
Hoseok rolled his eyes and pretended to throw his pillow at me. "omo.... was that a threat?!?!" I spat. Hoseok got up, carrying both pillows in his hand.
"yah y-..HOSEOK!" I squealed as I began to run away. As I was running away I grabbed another lap pillow for protection. Chasing me, I got to a point I was really scared. Like I'm really on survival mode! Even though we're playing, I didn't want him to get me! I want to live!
Hoseok was on one side of the table and I the other. When ever I moved he moved. I took a heart shaking risk and ran for it. I had to get away I needed to live. Hoseok was right behind me catching up quickly so I threw my pillow at him; he blocked it. "It's better if you just give up! You won't win this." Hoseok scoffed as he threw the pillows to the ground. I ran behind the pillar that cut the kitchen and living room off,it was really quiet so I peeked out. He wasn't there... I looked behind me and I was safe. I began to tip toe my way into the living room when Hoseok popped up from the couch like he had risen from the dead. I almost peed, I got scared ! I tried to run away again but he caught me. I was too tired from running and collapsed in his arms laughing. He was also laughing. I understand why he said what he said earlier. Everything feels like a dream, it's so great I never want this to end. Still in his arms, I got a flash back from earlier and pushed him off. My face steamed red and he fell to the floor. "what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Hoseok panicked.
"N-no..its just earlier....and.." I stuttered as my face grew a darker shade of red. Is this even natural? Hoseok looked at the ground while he also began to blush

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