Home run..

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[Next day]
When I woke up it was already the next morning. 5:16 am. It's still dark and I can hardly see around the room. I sat up and stretched but I felt a lump beside me. Everything I touched was either squishy or stiff. I continued to poke at what started to feel more and more like a body. The body mumbled then shifted. "Yah kim- Kim taehyung !" I tried to get out but it seems I didn't have much of a voice. I got out of the bed and turned on the light.
I realised this was no place I've been before. "Turn it off." The guy mumbled as he placed his head under the pillow. When I turned around I still only saw a lump, so I climbed into the bed and began yanking at the pillow to reveal this lump.
"Yah ! Pervert get up" my voice squeaked.
When I finally got the pillow off the guy, I was thrown into shock..it was hoseok. Not just any hoseok but sleepy, shirtless, hot mess hoseok. Hoseok sat up and stared at me with his tired eyes and he ran his fingers through his hair.
Wait a minute...hoseok? I don't remember coming home with hoseok..not to mention HIS HOUSE..
This is the first time I'm in his new home...I'm in his room. Hoseok looked at me as he rubbed his eye. "How're you feeling?" He asked me. I nodded. "Fi-ne" I said with a raspy voice. I cleared my throat and said it again. "I'm fine"
Hoseok flicked my forehead. "Yeno you fainted yesterday so I did something cool as your boyfriend and carried you" he chimed.
My eyes widened. "I fainted...OMG YOU CARRIED ME!? ARE YOU CRAZY!? OMG IM SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CARRY ME!! " I panicked.
"Its OK calm down...I also got you some allergy medicine. Seems your allergies are bad this year." Hoseok chimed as he pointed to the bag on his table.
"Omg you remembered what brand ~omg " I chimed as I looked into the bag.
After we got changed and stuff we were hanging in his living room.I was wearing one of his shirts and boxers and hoseok no shirt, just sweats. He said it was pretty hot but I beg to differ. Its comfortable. I rested my head on his lap as we watched TV
"Y/n.."hoseok Called me. I looked at him. "Yeah?",I replied. He looked alittle nervous about some thing. "Today (Saturday) is our first away game and I'm kinda nervous..I was kinda wondering if you would like to go? Yeno..for good luck? It won't be early like yesterday so...it won be too hot. I really want you to come...I- I mean you don't have to-" I cut hoseok off. "I wana go I wana go ~ yay~ hehe " I chimed. Hoseok brightened up. "Really? Okay..then we leave at 6!" Right as he said that his door bell buzzed. We both gave each other a blank stare.
When hoseok opened the door, on the other side was taehyung. "Dude wtf did you forget ?" I herd taehyung whisper. "Sorry sorry...one second" hoseok whispered back to taehyung. "Forget about what!?" I spat. "Nothing nothing. We had plans" he said.
Plans?...hoseok and taehyung ..Plans? Since when?
Hoseok went into his room and came back fully dressed. He came over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be back..uh..make your self at home..food is in the fridge ect ect." He told me. I could see the tension in Taehyung face as he nudged hoseok. "We're going to be late" taehyung rushed at hoseok. "Bye" hoseok said. "Bye.." I waved a bit confused.
So now its just me and this empty apartment. What does he expect me to do in HIS apartment?
I thought came into my mind. A thought most girlfriends would think of their boyfriend. "Has he brought other girls here before me?"
I decided to play detective and look around his apartment. First starting with the living room, I looked all around. Under the couches ...around the tables, behind the Tv, to find evidence of a girl being here. Like panties,bra, lipstick ect but there was Nothing.
I went into his bedroom, a typical place to check. The bed (under) and floor's were clear. Rolling around each corner like a spy, I came to the closet. "I bet he hides things in here hmm.." I spat to my self as I began digging through all of his pants and coat pockets. I found nothing.
I walked past the mirror hoseok had in his room, but then went back to look at my self.
"I am Hoseoks' girlfriend. " I said. I ran to his closet and grabbed a pair of his underwear to place on my head. I then returned to the mirror.
"I'm super girlfriend. Leefooleedoooleeeee" I yelled like a cave woman.
Looking at my self I noticed I was a little on the chubbyside. "Ow...that's not fair" I pouted as I lifted up my shirt. I then pinched my sides and pouted. "How did I let this happen ?" I questioned my self.
I put my shirt down and gazed at my self. Suddenly my stomach started to rumble. I ignored it. It did it again and for the next five minutes after.
"Alright alright " I spat. I made my way into his kitchen. "Alrighty ..let's see what oppa has" I chimed as I opened the fridge.
His fridge was nothing like I expected it to be. It wasnt empty..but..it was filled with mainly healthy stuff. I think I'm going to barf. Just kidding..I wouldn't do that. I like veggies.
I took out two (large ) carrots.
"How am I supposed to eat this? I only eaten the small kind.." I chimed to my self. I washed of each carrot then chopped the ends off of both and began to eat them.
For some odd reason I started to want peanuts or peanut butter.
His fridge obviously wasn't the place to look for that so I checked his cabinets. When I opened his cabinet it was literally filled with junkfood...but where's the penut butter ? I looked and looked then discovered a half eaten jar of peanut butter on the second shelf.I used one of the stools from the counter to help me get the penut butter because I was too short to reach the shelf.
I grabbed a spoonfull of penut butter and began to shove it in my mouth.
When I was done eating my odd snack, I came back to the couch but I didn't turn on the TV. Instead I fell asleep with Hoseoks' underwear on my head.
About 2 hours later hoseok came back, but he was alone carrying a large bag in his hand. He looked down at me and quietly laughed at my dorkieness. I still had his underwear on my head. Hoseok leaned down and began to shake my shoulder. "Jagiya~" he shook me but I did not budge.
"Come on, wake up." He said once more.
I, layed there still as a brick on the couch. Not moving, nor was I breathing. Before hoseok began to panic, he noticed my lips quiver a few times. He eyed my lips then realised I was puckering up for a kiss. I wanted him to kiss me. "Oh!! " he said shocked under his breath as he leaned in and pecked me on the lips. I rose from the couch, obnoxiously stretching as if I was alseep for 1000 years then I looked down at him. "*gasp* oh my... Yeobeo...your home !" I chimed as I gave him a hug. "How's your throat ?" He asked. "Alot better ~ all because you're the best" I chimed.
Hoseok began eyeing the underwear I had on my head. "By the way.....never mind. Anyway I bought you some make up. Go try it out" he chimed as he dug in the large bag.
Hoseok handed me a new mascara, eyeliner and my favorite brand of gloss. "Omo ~thank you thank you ~ I'll put it on right away ~ " I chimed. "Wait...before you go.." Hoseok pulled out another item. It was a eye shadow set. I looked at him blankly.
"..Hoseok..I ..I don't know how to put this on..." I said as I gazed at the eye shadow. Hoseok gave me a warm smile and patted my head. "I kinda figured that. That's why Taehyung let me borrow something." Hoseok chimed as he walked over to the door. "Taehyung ?.." I said in my mind. When the door opened my jaw dropped. Not....not again. "H-hello..Murina eonni. Nice to see you again. " I chimed. She nodded back to Me. Of all people...why did it have to be Taehyung's sister. Murina entered the house carrying a black lunchbox like make up bag. She then looked at me.
"Are you ready to get your make up done?" She asked me. I nodded as I took murina to hoseoks's room. She layed out a bag of make up plus the make up hoseok had just bought me. Just as she was to clean my face with a wipe, she ran to the door. "HOSEOK! GIVE ME THE BAG YOU IDIOT! " she yelled out the door. Hoseok came running from the living room and handed murina the bag. Murina then pushed hoseok from the door. "Sorry no boys allowed" she chimed as she stuck her tongue out before shutting the door.
After murina placed the bag in a chair she then came back to start on me. "Sorry about that. " she chimed as she wiped my face with a face cleanser wipe.
Wow, her hands are soft and the scent of her clothes smells nice. She touches my face so gentle, like I'm something fragile. "So you really have no idea how to wear full faced make up?" Murina asked me. I nodded but she held my head back up to her. "Try not to move. Sorry I should have told you that earlier. Close your eyes." She chimed as she began applying the make up.
Once murina finished my eyes, she sighed. "You know, you're pretty special " she chimed. "How so?" I asked.
" You have a boyfriend who cherishes you a lot. He knows what kind of make up you like,The things you can and cannot do. You're pretty lucky to have a boyfriend like hoseok. He seems to really care, and it shows." Murina chimed as she placed a pretty diamond necklace around my neck.
Looking down at the necklace I felt this warm feeling I'm my heart. It was beautiful. " Murina....do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. "I do. But he's nothing like hoseok. Like I said. You are special..now go get changed ! "She chimed as she handed me the white bag then left the room.
In the bag was a pretty light blue dress with a diamond fitted belt to go with it also a pretty pair of heels to go with it. After I put the dress and heels on I admired my self in the mirror. I don't know who I am. I look different....this isn't me. I look pretty. Prettier than all the other girls in school. I look and feel like a princess.
There were a few knocks at the door and it startled me. But it was only hoseok "(Y/n) come on we're-.."

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