Where am i?

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Today was a normal day for you, but you were stressing over one thing and it was your exam results, you weren't really nervous but your parents are the ones that made you scared since you made a deal with them which is if you pass the exam you can get back your money/credit card since you spend all of your money on shopping, And their part of the deal was if you didn't pass you would have to give up your shopping addiction and your phone.

When you got to class you saw the teacher wasn't there yet, so you took that as a sign to go and talk to runa since she was like a best friend to you, you saw the girl on her phone/device playing whatever so you decided to sit next to her.

"Good morning runa" you said, you only got a small wave from the girl before she went back to playing on her device, A few minutes later you and runa had to go back to class since it was already 8:00.

While the teacher was talking about what scores we had gotten i got bored of listening to her and decided to think of some ideas for an event which will help some house pets with their debts, after a while we finally have a ten minute break so I decided to talk to ryota, "So will there be a debt event again?" Ryota asked, I nodded with a small smile "why do you wanna know that?" I asked, "Nothing i just wanted to know since I'm in a little bit of debt" he replied, you already knew that he was probably in a large amount of debt probably two million.

You went back to your seat and started to draw some random doodles on your note book since you felt a bit down but something caught your attention which made you look at the window, there was a tall building that you've never seen before.

But in a blink you were on some sort of high rise, you didn't know where you were and all you could of think was where am i...


This is my first time writing a story like this so please no hate.

381 words

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