What just happend...

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When you finally stood up you saw many buildings and wood bridges, you were clueless where were you just a few minutes ago you were just drawing random things on your book and now you were in this place.

As soon as you felt your phone in your skirt pocket you were glad it was still there, you tried to call runa but nobody answered you even tried your parents number and nothing, "What is going on..." you mumbled to your self, you heard somebody yelling and begging for help you kept trying to look where they were yelling from until you saw a woman that was bleeding and trying to run away, when you looked to see who or what she was running away from fear was practically clinging to you that moment.

You saw a mask with a sword that had blood on it walking towards her and then the woman got scared and then she jumped off, you got scared what if that mask sees you, you kept wondering what if that mask sees me what if he trys to kill me and you didn't even see the mask walking across the wooden bridge until you heard somebody moving towards you.

The mask had his sword in his hands ready to strike and as soon as you saw him you started to run towards to the wooden bridge, as you were half way crossing the bridge you looked back to make sure if the mask was still there but instead you were greeted with a sight of the mask on the bridge too and he was taking his time but still hurrying.

As soon as you got onto the other building you ran to another wooden bridge hoping that you could make the mask confused but instead the bridge was broken so you couldn't cross it, while you were still trying to think of an idea of how to get rid of the mask you didn't even notice the mask coming behind you and was about to kill you with his sword, you were scared to death you closed your eyes knowing that you were about to die but you didn't feel anything you only heard a gun shoot and when you opened your eyes you saw a police man he was holding his gun and when you looked at the mask you saw he had a bullet in his chest, the mask went to the edge of the building and then he had fallen to his death.

"Jesus christ are you okay?" The man asked, you only nodded your head since you were too scared to speak "goodness imagine what would of happened if i didn't show up, you would of been dead miss." He said, you knew you would of been dead if the cop didn't show up so you only nodded.

While the man was looking at the axe another police man showed up "Sorry boss those wooden bridges are so hard to cross." The other man said, "Reese you are a police officer you shouldn't be scared of heights" the man said to the younger cop, while the man went to the edge to see where the mask was Reese picked up the sword "I've never seen a Japanese sword like this before..." Reese said, While Reese went next to his boss you saw how Reese was about to push the man so you decided to warn him.

"S-sir watch out!" You yelled, but it was too late for the man to look he was pushed off by somebody when he was about to fall he saw it was Reese who pushed him, You were scared that man pushed his boss off "Oh, he died" Reese said, "Oh, well. Why should I care? I get to be alone with a high school girl" He said, "It's a once in life opportunity" He continued saying, you started to back away slowly "Hold on a second! You're acting crazy" you said, "So what if I am insane? I was obviously brought into this insane world." He replied.

Sniper mask's Pov <3

In the distance I saw some cop and a girl, while lighting the cigarette i saw the girl wore some uniform is she a high school student? I didn't care i only watched them for a few seconds until i finally got the cigarette lit.

Your Pov <3

"Stand against that wall!" The man yelled, I got nervous and scared "W-what?" You said, "I said stand against the wall damn it!" He shouted, you were scared so you did what he said "now take off your cardigan." He continued, You saw how the man was eyeing up your body but you didn't want to get him angry so you took of your cardigan.

"Good, Now stay still if you don't wanna get killed..." The man said while holding the sword to your shirt.


Comments and votes are always appreciated <3, For more chapters you can put this story in your library if you want ❤.

843 words

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