How it started

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My name is Coleen springs. I am 17 years old. I am currently laying on the ground in my room crying, why... because I am pregnant.
***Colleen is on this slide*** ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

How it started
*Colleens POV*
"I don't want to go" I said to (my best friend of three years) Izzy, she turned away from me and cried "it's just I always do stuff that u want to do, please just come with me" I smirked. She continued to whine like she does even though she's a year older than me.

"fine" I said "I will go to Brandon's party with you" she squealed and ran to her bag. "What's that" I asked. She turned and pulled out to dresses "aren't they pretty" she asked . I nodded and slipped on one of the dresses and looked in the mirror I looked pretty good, the dress was sliver and shiny it hugged my curves perfectly and came down to my mid thigh

I Slipped on a pair of heels and grab my purse as I left I yelled "mom I'm leaving" she nodded going back to watching TV. One thing I know for sure is that my mom is pretty loose when it comes to rules.

**Authors note**

Whoever reads this I just want to say thanks and please don't comment bad things it's just my first book ever and I really really hope you like it

Love u guys ❤️
Sorry this chapter is short

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