Telling him

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**Colleens POV**

My mom kept bugging me about telling Brandon, she was right he needed to know , but first I have to tell my sister Hayley.

Hayley is in college and I never get to see her,  shes pretty, with the same brown eyes and light brown hair as me.  I took out my new iPhone after it rang for which seemed like forever she picked up "hi"i heard her say on the other end of the line "hi" I said,

I suddenly got nervous and tossed the phone to my mom,
she took the phone and told my sister my "situation"
my mom gave the phone back to me and my sister told me that she loved me, and supported me and we said bye and I hung up.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

I woke up, got dressed and ate a quick breakfast before heading out the door izzy was going to pick me up..... OH NO  .... IZZY she would kill Brandon

but she is my beast friend her car pulled up in my driveway and I got in HEEYY she she said hey I said

she looked at me for a moment ... Colleen "are you ok"  she said  at that point I told her every thing and I was crying in her arms.
she started the car and we drove to school she was upset at first but then she was ok with it,
and she even said she would help,

...... now just for Brandon

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