Chapter 2

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In a bed room which is decorated anciently.

We can see a girl of 14 years sleeping on bed.
Her eyes are trembling like she experiencing a bad dream.

(In dream:-A girl is practicing sword,
We can see a man entered silently.
He back hugged her. Feeling the touch of the man the girl smiled.

Girl:-mani when did you came back.

Man:-jaan you know I can't live without you for long, so I finished my work early.

Girl turned facing man and hugged him.

Girl:-if you don't like to be away from me, why are you going leaving me here.

Man:-jaanu if I have to protect you means I want power, so that I can protect you. If I stand on peak of this world then no one will bully you. I will win this whole world and gift it to you.

Girl:-I love you mani. (Kissed him on lips).

Scene changed
We can see a man fighting with so many people. He turned towards girl and said.

Man:-jaan quickly escape I will hold them back.

Girl:-mani I can't leave you even if it's death I will go with you.

Man:-jaan go I have strength to deal with them, I can't fight properly if you are here, it can distract me, go please.

Girl:-alright I will go but you have to return safely, no means I will accompany you in death.

Man:-I promise jaan I will return to you safely.

Scene changed
We can see girl holding a man in her hands, his lifeless body brought agony to her heart.

Girl:-you broke your promise mani, you said you will return to me safely, but I will never broke my promise, I will accompany you in death.
They bullied you because I don't have strength to protect you and myself.
If god gave me chance to me to reincarnated again, I will come back. I will gain strength to stand at top of the world.
I will kill everyone who is responsible for your death.

Dream completed.

Girl who was sleeping on bed sat up with jerk.

Girl:-mani, who is he, why my heart is paining thinking about him.

Her thoughts are broken by a loud crying sound.
We can see another girl who was dressed in strange ancient clothes crying loudly.
She got on her knees

Girl1:-miss you are awake by god's grace nothing happened to you.Because of me you got hurt. If something happened to you means, I don't know how I face old master and old mistress.

Girl on bed looked around the room strangely. She mumbled herself.

Girl:-I clearly died with that idiot ashok yadav. But why did I apear here.
I think it must be dream.
Nandu what gotten to you if it's dream means you should be alive right ,can soul's get dreams.

So girl on bed is nandu. Breaking her thoughts girl 1 spoke again.

Girl1:-miss don't worry I wrote letter to old Master and mistress they are coming here, they will avenge you.

Nandu turned towards girl1 and asked

N:-who are you girl, what is this place, why are you dressed strangely.

Girl 1:-miss you forgot about me am your maid servent riya.

N:-maid servant, girl is their any ancient drama is going on here,maid servent in 21st century what a joke.

Girl1:-miss why are you talking strangely, I think you hurt your head badly, I will call physician immediately.

Saying this girl run away quickly.

Nandini looked around the room, she spotted a  bronze mirror near by, she walked towards mirror.
When she saw herself in mirror. She got a heart attack.

N:-what the hell, why I turned into a small girl. I look like when am in 14.
Why am dressed strangely.

Suddenly the nandu held her head in pain. A strange and distant memories came to her brain. She walked with great difficulty and fell on bed.
After 10 min she opened her eyes.

N:-(in mind) I think this legendary transmigration.
Transmigration really I can't believe it,
May be am reading Chinese novels so much so am getting strange dreams.
I have to wake up from dream.
(She pinched herself) aaah why am getting pain, am really transmigrated.  aiyappa I thought transmigration is only fantasy, but know am believing it.
Aiyappa why you brought me here.
This planet is strange it was same like earth but it was called Naimika.
It was divided into three continents.
North continent, south continent and central continent. These continent's were surrounded by Naimika Aranya(forest) on one side(south) , Tapasya sea on (west) . Dari desert on (east).
Nilima ice mountain on (north).
Here people practice magic and a strange energy called spiritual energy.
Here people who are strong are respected and weak are eliminated.
In these continent's central continent is strong, next north at last south.
Here animals also different they also can practice both magic and spiritual energy.
Respectfully they are called magical beast and spirit beast. Naimika forest, tapasya sea, dari desert and nilima mountain's are filled with strong magical and spiritual beast's.
Now the girl am transmigrated as same name as me nandini murthy.
She is only grand daughter of ram and janaki murthy. Who are head of Murthy clan. Murthy clan is a power in small kingdom called sindhu country ( in South continent). Nandini's life is quite tragic.
Even though her grand parents pamper her to moon. Her parents went missing at her age of 2.Her only brother disappear at her age of 10.Because she has mindset of kid she can't practice magic or spiritual energy. She was considered as every one in sindhu country bully her without knowledge of her grand parents.
Yesterday someone wanted to take her maid riya as concubine, nandini stood to protect her but inturn she got hurt.
Even though she had mindset of kid her memory is photographic, she can remember anything if she read once.
So she knows about this strange planet.

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