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Hello! Sorry for the false update, I've decided I want this story to be in 1st person pov and I am planning on changing some things here and there as well as edit as I go. I'm sure I will still miss some things along the way, but I am excited to see where things go! My vision for this story has stayed the same for the most part, just needs a bit of tweaking on how we are gonna get there. Anyhow, enjoy if you're new here and welcome back if your not! 

xx MM


       I knew I had royally fucked up from the moment I blinked my eyes open, feeling hazy and disoriented. For a moment everything seemed blurry and out of focus in a dimly lit room I didn't recognize. The last thing I remembered was being lost on a mountain somewhere in Colorado. It had been pitch black and bitterly cold then, so I must be in either the ER somewhere along the outskirts of Denver or, I was dead. Surely if it was the latter of the two I wouldn't wake up and be this thirsty.

In an effort to take in my surroundings; I attempted to roll into a sitting position, trying and failing to lift myself off my back. As I did so, something jerked painful at my neck, causing a low wheeze to leak from my chapped and cracking lips. The clang of metal rang in my ears then my hands flew to my neck purely out of instinct. A soft whimpering cry left my throat without my concept as I felt what I could only describe as a thick and heavy collar secured into place around my throat. A chain only about 1-2 feet long tethered me to a eyelet secured into the wall about a foot above the floor. Grabbing the chain I pulled with all the strength I could muster, knowing before I even started that it was futile, but trying anyhow. The wall I was secured to was as thick and sturdy as concrete, but looked nothing like the porous stone.

Definitely not a hospital, so dead then.
And I was dead. I had to be, there was no other way to rationalize being chained to a wall. My mother had finally been right, I had gone to hell for all those porny mags. Or maybe it was the sex before marriage? Drinking and smoking or any number of other sins I had committed in my short twenty three years of life.

Abruptly a loud buzzing chirp sounded from above my head, just as a burning sensation jabbed me in the side, sending bolts of electricity zinging all the way to my fingers and toes. With a cry I dropped the chain and rolled in the direction of my attacker, feeling the tug of the to short chain against my windpipe as I pulled it to its limits. Instantly I regretting my decision as the ugliest monster I had ever had the displeasure of dreaming up, towered above me.

Because that's what this all was right?

A dream I had gone to hell?

Yet as I eyed the 4 foot tall lizard looking blimp above me, with its six beady little black eyes, grey-ish purple leathery skin with pockmarks and welts that seemed to ooze a grey substance, everything was much to real just to be something I conjured up in my head. Where a nose should have been was empty space, and what I could only assume was a mouth sat vertically on its leathery face; splaying open and closed like a fish sucking in water. Rows upon rows of needle like teeth flexed in and out every time the creatures mouth moved.

It's body shape made even less sense; like an orangutan and a chicken had fused itself together but only barely. Long arms with clawed 4 fingered hands, touched the ground as it hunched over a heavy pot belly that sat upon thin bird looking legs with large 3 toed feet.

I shuddered as another buzzing chirp left the leathery things mouth, that grey substance dripping from an open orifice along its arm and onto the ground with a spat as it did so. Four fingers grasped a long black stick with two prongs on one end and a trigger on the other. The monster jabbed the stick at me again before grasping the chain attached to my collar and yanking so hard I swore my neck snapped. A choked cry left my throat as the monkey chicken creature detached the chain from the eyelet against the wall and lifting me by my throbbing neck, dragged me from the room.

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