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One thing I had come to find out fairly quickly was this new planet was cold. And not cold like the mountains that had been my last memory of Earth, but a bone-deep, stormy alien like cold that burrowed deep into me. Yet the feline-like aliens of this planet did not seem to believe in closed spaces. Or windows or doors, really. Their ancestors or maybe they themselves had built their civilization into the cavernous cold stone of an ancient-looking mountain. They had carved so deep below the ice and stone they had found a hot spring of sorts to route throughout their homes.

Only, water here didn't seem to follow the rules of earthly water. Where our water froze at a certain temperature, theirs seemed to thrive. A number of large, deep, and suffocatingly warm cavernous rooms were dedicated only to bathing and swimming. These were open-concept spaces with waterfalls that billowed and steamed with the freezing air, cascading down the sides of cliffs out of sight.

The plant life was another marvel. Anywhere the water flourished, there seemed to be an abundance of flora and fauna peeking out from the cracks and dips in the cavern walls. Most, if not all, were not the plant-like green you would normally think of when foliage come to mind or even see occasionally dotting a snowy landscape. No, these plants were as alien as the felines who called this place home. They ranged in multiple shades of silver, deep blues, light tea greens, and icy lilacs.

As I wandered through these spaces, a mix of awe and discomfort settled in my chest. The beauty of my new environment was undeniable, yet it was also a constant reminder of how far I was from anything familiar. The cold seemed to seep into my very bones any time I strayed to far from the oppressive heat of the waterfall that cascaded down one whole wall of my room into a large pool. The pool which I assumed was for bathing was surrounded by plants of every color and variety, It widened into a more round shape at the base of the waterfall then narrowed as it ran across the length of the room and into open air. Directly across from the waterfall was nothing but misty frigid sky and a long drop down. The edge of the cliff seemed to be barricaded by plants and a bit of a dip that came chest high to prevent anything more than the water from going over the side. It seemed despite their agility their ancestors weren't completely averse to safety.

On one side of the room, adjacent to the waterfall and nestled into a hidden alcove in the rocks, was a cozy space roughly the size of a king-size bed. It was layered with furs, silks, and pillows galore. Small, fist-sized holes cut into the obsidian stone vented the warm air from the hot spring into the space perfectly, creating a snug, inviting retreat.

To reach this sleeping area, I had to scale rocks up to a ledge, which towered roughly ten feet above me. The climb up wasn't too awful at first, though the hand and foot holds were spaced farther apart, clearly designed for bodies longer,stronger and more agile than my own. Climbing down, however, seemed almost impossible. After my first attempt, which involved lowering myself as far as I could over the edge, clinging on with just the grip strength of my fingers, I realized I still couldn't reach a foothold large enough to maintain my balance. I ended up dropping the rest of the way, only to have the wind knocked out of me as I crashed onto the cold stone floor below.

The King appeared rather remorseful after that incident and its resulting bruises along my bottom and sides. Now he rarely left in the morning without bringing me down himself. I appreciated his care, even if it did bruise my pride a bit. It was a strange mix of humiliation and comfort—knowing I was dependent on him for such a simple task but that he cared enough to even do it.

I hadn't seen hide nor hair of the warrior for a few days now, and I couldn't decide how that made me feel. On one hand, his absence was a relief. I no longer had to endure the tension and fear that had manifested after what happened at the labyrinth. But on the other hand, his absence left a void in the dynamic I had felt blooming between the three of us. And despite everything, I had grown used to his presence, the odd sense of safety he provided even if it had felt suffocating at times. The King's care and the luxurious space he had given me should have made me feel secure, but instead, they highlighted my dependency and vulnerability. Each night as I lay on the furs, enveloped in warmth of the hot springs,- and more often than not the kings arms, though I still didn't know how I felt about that- I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped. The high ledge that at first had seemed like a fun and cozy haven was also a reminder of my isolation and the physical barriers I couldn't overcome on my own.

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