four ✎

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taylor? he thinks my name is taylor? this is so embarrassing. i'm just going to go home and crawl under my covers and never speak again. 

he knows who i am! he knows enough about me to kinda-sorta know my name. taylor isn't that different from tyler, they're just a few letters off from each other. the important part is that he knows who i am!

wait, if he knows who i am, then does that mean that he's noticed me watching him before? holy shit, he must think i'm a serial killer or something. i really hope he hasn't noticed me drawing him before...

oh my fucking god, tyler just SAY SOMETHING! say something before he thinks you're hard of hearing. don't just keep looking at him like you're dumb, say something!

"actually, my name is tyler," he forced himself to speak, voice cracking a little as he did so. hopefully andre didn't notice that....

"oh, my bad, i'm not really all that good with names. i'm andre by the way," he introduced himself to tyler, smiling at the slightly shorter man.

"it's alright, nice to meet you," tyler smiled back, showing a glimpse of his braces, "you're in 2 of my classes? that's crazy, i never noticed you before."

andre just shrugged, "yeah, they're both art classes. i don't really blame you for not knowing me though, i don't really be participating in class. half of the time i be high as shit. i just know my gpa about to be trash."

tyler chuckled a little. "you show up to class high?"

"yeah, for sure. i usually smoke on my way to class. it really helps clear my head. except sometimes it clears my head a little too much and suddenly i forget everything i learned all semester."

"yeah, definitely not following your lead," tyler joked, before immediately following it up with an apology, "not judging you or anything, though. if it works for you it works for you. i just couldn't, i need to be focused in class."

"you alright, i didn't think you were being judgemental or anything," andre reassured tyler before he rambled further, "i wish i could stay focused like you, shit, maybe my art would be as good as yours then."

tyler just about shut down right then and there.

andre...was complimenting him? not only complimenting him, but complimenting him about the thing that he was most passionate about?

this was definitely a dream. it was a dream, and he'd wake up soon and return back to the dreary reality where he continued to stalk, sorry, admire the boy from afar, and he'd never know his name or that he even exists among the sea of students that attended ASU.

"y-you like m-my art?" tyler stuttered out, immediately cursing himself internally for not being able to get his words out correctly. "thank you."

"hell yeah i like your art. i'ma start sitting next to you so i can copy off of you or something," andre stated in jest, even though his admiration of tyler's art was earnest and sincere. "but nah seriously, you got some of the best art in our class, for real. that's why your shit is always being used as an example."

tyler thanked him again, not noticing that he was literally trembling with a mixture of anxiety and joy from being complimented by his crush and just generally being in his presence. he only noticed that he was shaking as much as he was once andre brought it up.

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