Chapter 6

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(A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I did already warn you about the long updates. If you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote.)

*Scene Change (Chairman's office)*

"Ayanokōji-san why did decided that is the place where you are be meeting your unsatisfied students." Chairman Sakayanagi said

"As they will go to the higher up than go directly to me because they are to prideful to completely accept that I'm their teacher or just a bunch unredeemable idiots." I replied

"As expected from sensei's daughter that you don't take things lightly." he said

somebody started knocking the door from the other side it recognizing her voice

"May I come in?" Horikita Suzune said

"You may." Chairman Sakayanagi replied her question

"As expected one or two will show up. Horikita Suzune I'm going to tell you this school evaluations of you deemed you to be in Class-D." I said

"Why? Are you here!?" she frankly asked

"Because I can." I replied

"Anyways, why I'm in Class-D?" She asked again

"Chairman, may I?" I asked Chairman Sakayanagi

"You may." He replied

"Students of Class-D have somethings that society deems problematic or in the school's terms defective. The other teachers, the chairman or even the principal deems every student of Class-D to be defective in some shape or form."

"Unbelievable, I'm sure their is some mistake." Horikita said

"No, this school evaluated you quite highly in fact but academic ability isn't the only thing you need in school, this place is not like any other school as Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing Highschool simulates a society not any other schools do this extent. You may go now."

Horikita left the room disappointed

*Scene Change (Outside of the 1st year dormitory)*

After the multiple business presentation and meetings of the many corporations and conglomerates that I either own or have share holdings on.

Investing in multiple investment companies approved by the government as well checking the stock exchange of many legitimate businesses

(A/N: It's very essential to verify the businesses or companies if it's accredited by your country's government if not you're taking the risks of getting scammed.)

Wandering around at night when I suddenly saw Horikita still wearing her school uniform as a curious young girl I decided to follow her slowly.

There's no reason for me to hide when she took a turn I sensed another person with her, it could be her older brother the student council president, I grab my phone and started an audio recording.

"Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me this far," as expected it was her brother, the student council president Horikita Manabu.

"Hmph. I'm far different from the useless girl you once knew nii-san. I came here to catch you."

I silently laughed at her words due to both society and this school considered her dead weight for her superior complex and uncooperative attitude.

"Catch me, hmm?"

I agreed with the older Horikita, she currently incapable of catching up to him.

"I heard were you placed in Class-D. I supposed nothing has really changed in the last three years. You've always fixated on following me, and as a result you don't notice your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a mistake."

Classroom of the Elite: Ayanokōji Kiyone as Teacher of Class D - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now