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Rose's outfit for this Episode ignore the bag

I promise in the next season of Charmed that James will become a regular character, things will be different from the show and there is only one more episode after this one. Andy will also have more of regular role too but he is not in this Episode he out of town visiting his family Prue was suppose to go but she had a lot of work to do. James is not in this Episode either.

Manor. Prue, Piper Phoebe and Rose walk in the kitchen carrying shopping bags.]

Piper: Any day that brings new shoes is a good day.

Phoebe: Are you kidding? This was a great day. Yoga, pedicures, shopping, lunch. When have we had more fun?

Prue: It's nice to bond through something other than vanquishing for a change.

Rose: Yeah, but I gotta hand it to those pesky little demons. They sure have brought us closer together.

Prue: Maybe you should write them a thank you note.

(Prue turns on the TV.)

Reporter: Early this morning when an argument between neighbours at a block party turned into a street parole, residents of several apartment buildings...

Prue: Ugh.

(She turns off the TV.)

Piper: Some people are just crazy.

Prue: Doesn't it seem like this kind of stuff has been happening a lot here lately?

Phoebe: Random social violence is encouraged by a general D clan and ethical thinking. Well, according to my sociology professor. He said that we don't think about the big questions enough.

Prue: The big question is how did you stay awake through his class?

Phoebe: Not only did I stay awake but I actually enjoyed it. Which is why I bought this book. (She gets a book out of a bag.) It's filled with really deep profound questions, which would actually make a good bar game at P3.

Piper: Oh, great, solve the problems of the world while doing Jell-O shots.

Phoebe: Okay, let's see if I can find a really good one. (She puts on her glasses and opens up to a page in the book.) Okay, what if a building was on fire? Do you save five strangers or one sibling?

Prue: I thought that you said that these were hard questions. That's easy, sibling.

Piper: Of course.

Phoebe: Ditto. Okay, my turn, my turn.

Rose: Likewise

(Phoebe hands Prue the book. The doorbell rings.)

Piper: Okay, don't answer anything until I answer that.

Phoebe: Okay, faster though, faster.

(Piper answers the door.)

Piper: Hi.

Leo: Hi.

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