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Rose's outfit for this Episode

This Episode is set a couple of weeks after the last one so Rose no longer has her wrist in a cast, but she does have to wear a wrist support. At the Start of the Episode Rose is working an Early morning shift on the OB ward at the hospital.

[Scene: The park. There is a little boy's birthday party there. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]

Phoebe: So, what are you so afraid of?

Piper: I'm not afraid. I'm not. I'm just not sure.

Prue: Not sure of what?

Phoebe: Josh. He wants to have the talk with Piper.

Prue: What talk?

Phoebe: Three dates, no sex. There could only be one talk he's talking about. The talk. Safe sex, prior partners. Standard dating protocol.

Piper: And sex equals relationship.

Prue: And you're not sure you want to be a couple?

Piper: Well, it's not that I don't like him.

Phoebe: Then what's wrong with being a couple?

Piper: Well, I thought Leo and I were a couple and then we coupled and he took off.

Prue: Yeah, well, men seem to have a different definition of coupling than women do.

Phoebe: I do not think that's why Leo left.

(Dee walks up to the girls.)

Dee: Hey, Prue.

Prue: Hey, Dee, how are you?

Piper: (to David) Hey, how's the party going?

David: Great. We're playing Squish the Squash and nobody's been able to catch me. (Prue's phone rings.) Is the cake ready?

Piper: Uh, yeah, give us about five minutes. Oh, David there is a special birthday gift from Primrose for you she wanted to come but she had to work

David: Oh, that is awesome, my Mom said that she is going to be a kid Doctor right?

Prue: Yes she is

David: That's cool tell her thank you for the gift. Awesome. (He runs off.) Hey guys, five minutes until the cake.

Dee: Thanks for doing all this, Piper. I never would have been able to afford it.

Piper: Hey, what are friends for? Besides, it's worth it just to see the look on David's face.

Phoebe: He's a great kid.

Dee: Yeah, I know.

Prue: So much for my Saturday off. That was Claire. Something at the auction house needs to be appraised, so I gotta go. I'm so sorry.

Dee/Piper/Phoebe: Bye.

[Cut to the kids playing with a ball. One kid accidentally throws the ball in the bush.]

David: I'll get it. (He runs in the bush and throws the ball back. He hears a cat meowing in the trees. He goes to look and a Grimlock jumps out of the bush and grabs him.) Help! Let go of me!

(Prue is walking along the path and sees what's happening. She runs towards David.)

Prue: David, no!

(She puts her hands up and the Grimlock and David fly around the air. A man just happens to see her. Prue looks at her hands and they fall to the ground. The Grimlock grabs David and runs further into the bush.)

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