Darkest moment part 2

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Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes :)

(Y/N) P.O.V

I woke up that morning in Carl's arms, which wasn't a bad thing at all but I had a booming headache and not that I know what it's like to be hungover but I'm pretty damn sure I am.

He groaned something about not wanting to get up and a headache. I laughed as he woke up.

"Well I feel like shit, you?" He asked looking down at me.

"Same here" I groaned.

"We should probably get back don't you think?" Carl said.

"I've been wanting to leave since we got here" I said as we both laughed nervously.

We changed, hogged the bath room because both of our guts hated us and made a map of where this was so if something happened we had a place to go.

We went downstairs uneasy and hid most of the stuff in the living room and upstairs.

"Bottle of whiskey for the road?" I laughed holding a bottle.

"I've had enough to last me awhile" Carl laughed. I shoved it up my shirt and Carl shook his head.

"For a rainy day" I laughed.

"Fuck it's bright" I said when we stepped outside.

"Hurry up I wanna go back to bed" Carl whined as we started to walk.

"Listen here asshole, I happen to be experiencing my first hangover and feel like shit, so shut the hell up" I said punching him in the arm.

"Yeah that's why I wanna hurry up" Carl said .

"'Cause I'm hungover?" I asked.

"No 'cause I am now move it" He laughed.

"Dick" I said moving faster.

It was mid-day when we got back.

We trudged our way inside. I headed for Eric and Aaron's but Carl stopped me.

"Where you going?" He asked trying to block the sun out of his eyes.

"Eric and Aaron's place why?" I said continuing to walk.

"You aren't gonna tell them you're alive?" He asked stepping in front.

"You can, now way you go" I said pushing passed him.

I knocked on their door and Eric greeted me.

"Thank god you're okay, where's Carl?" He asked.

"Carl went to the house, can I stay here for a while?" I asked. Eric smiled.

"Of course you can, your room still a bit of a mess" Eric said rushing me inside.

"That's alright" I said thanking him.

I never really stayed at the house, I stayed at Peter's or Sam's or Mikey's or sometimes Ron's or one of them's house or at Marie, she was an old lady I had befriended or I stayed here. I couldn't stand staying with Rick, he was a pain in the ass and I don't care if Dayrl is my uncle but I am Not staying in the same house with Rick.

In Eric and Aaron's house my room was upstairs at the end of the hall. I flopped down on to my bed and closed my eyes. Images of the man popped into my head every time I closed my eyes. Just as I was falling asleep there was a knocking on my window.

I got up and found Carl sitting in a tree knocking on my window.

"What the fuck man?" I asked opening the window.

"You could've used the front door" I said helping him in.

"Did you tell anyone?" He asked.

"What about our murder or us being hungover?" I asked him rudely.

"Yeah 'cause I just go around telling people I killed a man and got piss drunk" I said shaking my head.

"No, I didn't tell anyone" I said looking at him. I could see he was just as sleep deprived as I felt. His eyes were puffy and red just like mine. I flung myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling making pictures out of the cracks.

"Come here" I told him, he listened and laid down beside me.

"Make pictures out of the cracks, it helps" I promised him. We sat in silence until Carl spoke up.

"I can't the the images out of my head, every time I close my eyes, he's there" Carl said taking my hand in his.

"We'll just have to deal with it" I said tears in my eyes.

I killed a man, in cold blood, there were other options. But I killed a man. Am I just like them? Just like my dad and Rick?

"We don't have to do it alone" Carl said looking at me.

"Whiskey?" I asked him.

"No I'm good for a while" He laughed.

"We'll be fine" I told him squeezing his hand.

"We'll be fine" He repeated squeezing my hand back.

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