Darkest moment part 3

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Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes :)

(Y/N) P.O.V

It has been three months since the murders. Carl and I are how we always were, as if nothing changed. He hung out with the guys, I hung out with the girls, we all hung out together. It looks like nothing changed. Which hurts.

I'm sleep deprived, every night all i see is them, on the floor, bloody, with no face. I don't even try to sleep anymore, I just pass out.

I was sitting in Sam's living room when the commotion started.

"Murders!" A woman yelled through the streets.

"You kids stay here" His mother said rushing his father outside.

"Sammy! Katie" I yelled.

"Way ahead of you" He said tossing me a walkie talkie as his sister follower him.

"Guys, we have a code 9, I repeat we have a code 9, so get your asses over to 153 now" I said. Sam and I waited until everyone piled in. Joe and his brother Ty showed up first followed by, Em, Peter and his sister, then Mikey, Ron and Ron's little brother.

"Sammy" Em said running to hug her boyfriend.

"The hell is going on?" Katie asked joining Peter who dragged his little sister along.

"Someone was yelling out murder" I said looking for Carl.

"This can't be good" Joe said along side his brother Ty.

"Let's go check it out" Carl said holding Judith.

All 13 of us made our way to the crime scene. Someone was murdered inside the walls.

"Do you think they followed us?" I asked Carl.

"There was no one else there" He said in disbelief.

"Why is it always you all when there's trouble!" An old man yelled.

"Fuck off" I heard Peter tell him.

"Shits going bad" Katie said.

I looked at Carl, he knew what I was thinking, taking them all to the house.

"No" he said.

"We'll tell them there is a safe place and we can take all the kids and elders and-" I said.

"There isn't enough room for all those people" Carl said.

"Then we'll take the kids" I said.

I looked for Deanna who was with Maggie.

"What are you doing here" Deanna said.

"I see there is some murders going on, are you aware of this happening too?" I asked her in disgust. Maggie gave me a warning looks but I ignored it.

"I was unaware until now" She said

"Well it's pretty damn clear this place isn't safe, I'm taking the kids to a safe house a few miles out" I told her.

"Rick isn't going to just give this up, so while you all go to war I'm taking the kids away from it" I told her waiting for answer.

She thought about it, looking at the pros and cons.

"Alright, take what you need, and we'll discuss this into more detail later" She said dismissing me.

"When is later? We are going to war, later might be too late" I told her. She looked furious but she knew I was right.

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