Chapter 1: Deliverance

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"He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son," the pastor read calmly from the Bible propped up on his podium. He looked up from his Bible and looked out to his congregation only to have his eyes land on a blue beacon at the back of the crowd. 

"Sam Jameson," the pastor called out before smiling at the confused boy who now looked up at him.

"Uh, yes, sir?" Sam asked before nervously fixing his blue faux hawk.

"Can you tell me where this verse comes from?" The pastor asked expectantly. He knew that the boy was busy meddling with his phone. All he wanted was the full attention of his congregation. Was that too much to ask?

"Uh-we-uh, the darkness one, right? Um, Colossians 1:13," Sam answered before glancing at his phone. The pastor looked at Sam in disbelief. How did he get it right? Wasn't he busy texting his friends on his phone.

Sam bit his lip before calling out, "Sir? Um, I know you called on me because you thought I wasn't paying attention. My dad bought me the Bible on my phone. I was following along."

Sam sat back down and glanced at the man sitting next to him before sighing. His dad was fast asleep and was definitely not paying attention. Sam didn't blame him. He knew that his father was nocturnal, due to his work schedule. Sam was grateful that he was even brought to church on Sundays, especially since his father had to work those nights as well.

"Where's your father, Sam?" The pastor asked as he looked at the blue-haired boy. He didn't like being made a fool of, even if it was his own fault.

"Right here, sir. Um, he's sleeping," Sam answered honestly before poking his father with his finger.

"Praise the Lord!" The elder Jameson called out as he woke with a start. There was a spatter of chuckles in the congregation while the pastor made his way towards the father-son duo. Sam could see the anger behind his pastor's face and knew that he was in for a verbal berating. He glanced at his father and could see that the senior Jameson had the same look of dread on his face.

"Samuel Jameson, would you like to tell us why you were sleeping? Was my sermon THAT boring?" The pastor asked as he now stood in front of Sam. 

"No way. I meant no disrespect. It's just that I work nights and Sam really wanted to come here. I couldn't say no to him even though I just want to sleep. You know how that works, Eric," Samuel sighed as he rubbed her eyes.

"I appreciate you bringing Sam here. I really do, but I think it's imperative for his father figure to set an example. If you show him that church is boring, he'll think the same. Now, I'm going to finish my sermon and I hope both of you are paying attention," Eric said as he shook his head and went back to the podium.

Sam glanced at his father and smirked as the senior Jameson shook his head before sulking in his seat. He couldn't help but smile at his father. He knew that Samuel Jameson Senior had absolutely no interest in what was being taught at the church. There had been a time when the two of them had attended regularly. Then, somewhere along their journey together, Samuel Senior decided to take a different path. Sam continued to look at his father as the pastor continued his sermon and sighed.

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