Chapter 8: Strength

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Sam followed Nedim to the youth center. It was more of a community center, but according to Nedim once Iman was present, it became a youth center. Max had already left the premises, saying that he needed to get some ironing done. Dad doesn't iron his clothes. I do that for him. He wanted to leave me alone so i could ask questions. I don't know why he doesn't just admit that, Sam thought with a sigh. Sam noticed that there were a couple of kids his age leaning against the community center as they walked up.

"You two. Sven and Daehan. Don't you have anywhere to be?" Nedim called out to the young men.

"Sister Iman kicked us out. There's a scary looking dude in there and I'm pretty sure Sister Iman is one step away from going ninjabi," the older Slavic teen with a small scruffy beard explained.

"I'd be careful in there, Imam Nedim. You know how she's protective of her Iman House residents," the younger Asian teen advised.

"Iman House?" Sam asked out loud.

"Cool hair, bro. You must be new. No worries, we'll fill you in. Sister Iman is like the resident ninjabi. Ninja hijabi. Few people know this, but she runs a house for women who are new converts going through tough times or generally any woman going through a tough time. There are a lot of doemstic abuse survivors there as well. She only accepts women and children, though, Guys aren't allowed inside at all. ," Sven explained.

"Yeah, and right now I think one of the ladies' ex-husband is here. He seemed angry," Daehan continued.

"Then what are you two doing out here? You should have stayed inside to help her," Nedim scolded quickly before pulling the community center's door open hurriedly.

Sam could tell that Nedim was worried and hurried after the imam. With the two young men in tow, Sam entered the reception area. He noticed that the reception area was full of Islamic calligraphy as well as art pieces made by the kids of the mosque. The setting was serene, but the current atmosphere was not. Near the reception desk stood a man of average build. He looked like he was some sort of business man, wearing a crisp suit with a beige tie that complimented his beige shirt. If Sam had seen him anywhere other than their current setting, he would have admired how well dressed the man was, however in the current setting, the man could only be seen as horrific. The man's face was a unique shade of red, his forehead wrinkled, and his fists clenched in small balls. There was a strange look in his eye, a look that same had trouble defining. Evil, Sam thought after a period of deliberation. That was the only word that could describe him.

"I don't have time for this. Where is my wife?" The man demanded angrily.

"As I have repeated numerous times, she is in my protection. You will never get to her again," Iman explained calmly.

"Who the heck do you think you are? You think you're going to take over our country with your sharia law? You rag-headed b***h!" The man yelled and reached for Iman's hijab.

It was as if time had slowed down. Sam had heard from his father about how a lot of Muslims are called Islamophobic and racial slurs, but had never seen anything so blatantly disrespectful. He felt detached from the scene in which a very angry Nedim reached for the man, as did the two teens. There was a look of indignation on Nedim's face as the young imam charged at the man. Sam noticed that the teens had taken up rushing positions as well, similar to a football game. However, this wasn't a football game. Sam fixed his gaze on Iman and was confused at how calm she was. He didn't understand it. He knew that if he had been in the same position, he would have been panicking.

The slow motion saga continued. Before Nedim could grab the man's arm, the man gripped Iman's hijab. It was as if she was waiting for this moment. The woman transformed in the blink of an eye. Her hands reached up, grasping the man's arm. She proceeded to use her body as a fulcrum and slammed the suited man onto the tiles. She then proceeded to twist the man's arm behind his back, temporarily disabling him. She set her teeth, inhaled slowly and said,

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