chapter 16

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Tomorrow is the day the newborn are coming me and Rosalie are at the Fortress spending time with Kyle before we had to go the battle Rosalie is worry about the battle about her not making it I told her I'll protect with her all my power she will be there with Kyle for his life Victoria will fail she will regret coming after my family after Victoria and her army are gone Rosalie and I will be getting married Alice told the the cullens about our engagement they're happy for us also I find out that Edward propose to Bella well they're getting married whatever I don't care we all made agreement that my and Rosalie comes first since I proposed to her first they agreed

Right now I'm at the field that we're using for the battle Bella spread her blood around Jacob take Bella up the mountain for her to hide then I sense Argent energy multiple I'm wearing my praetor suit with my super shotgun in my hand ready to rip and tear

( Play song )

The newborns come of the woods oh boy this is going to be fun I'm going enjoy riping and tearing I changed at the newborns as the cullens followed i shot one with and super shotgun and punch a newborn head off as I reload my super shotgun I fired my meat hook and I was pulled to a newborn and I crushed its head with my foot as I changed at a newborn and I slab it's head with my doom blade

The newborns come of the woods oh boy this is going to be fun I'm going enjoy riping and tearing I changed at the newborns as the cullens followed i shot one with and super shotgun and punch a newborn head off as I reload my super shotgun I fired ...

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I take the plasma rifle with a Heatblast i began firing as the newborns exploded i keep on firing as the Plasma rife mod with fully charged i shot a heat blast as the newborns exploded and I start firing again at the plasma balls for turn red i changed at a newborn and rip it in half with my bare hands

I take the plasma rifle with a Heatblast i began firing as the newborns exploded i keep on firing as the Plasma rife mod with fully charged i shot a heat blast as the newborns exploded and I start firing again at the plasma balls for turn red i ch...

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I take out the Ballista with Destroyer blade I changed the ballista as it's was fully charged I fired a energy wave as the newborns were cut in half I shot a grenade with my equipment launcher and the grenade exploded killing the newborns the cullens and the wolves are doing good killing the newborns

I take the combat shotgun with full Auto and began firing the full Auto mod I stop and I fried a ice bomb as the newborns were frozen and I did a blood punch killing them all as they were shattered into pieces I then grabbed the heavy Cannon with Precision Bolt i started firing and then used the precision bolt and I head shot a newborn i throw a newborn to the ground and I used it leg to crush it head

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