chapter 18

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After me and Rosalie had our honeymoon we went back to forks I've been looking for a house for us away from the cullens I find a house in Seattle in the forest the place is perfect the cullens were fine about Rosalie moving out and moving in with me in Seattle saying they'll miss her dad gonna miss me as well when I told him about me and Rosalie in Seattle I gather all my things in my old room and put them in a moving truck that I rented and I closed it as i see dad out of the house

Dad: well son I'm gonna miss you man you gotta married at 18 and Bella is getting married next month she'll probably move in at Edward place seems I'll be alone again

YN: hey dad I'm not fully going away I'll visit you sometime and I'll be at Bella wedding and then me and Rosalie are gonna live in peace but I'll miss you dad

Dad: me too bubbly

Then I see Rosalie pulled in and got out of her car and got Kyle out of his car seat walk over to me

Dad: YN who's this

Rosalie: Charlie this is Kyle

Dad: this is your nephew

Rosalie: our son

Dad: oh right the adoption

Kyle let a giggled seeing his grandfather

Dad: he got your eyes YN

I smiled and then I said goodbye to dad before I gave him a hug probably the last one he'll get and then me and Rosalie move to Seattle the house is probably far from the city me and Rosalie been raising Kyle VEGA stayed at the Fortress but we'll need him when we need to him to watch over Kyle


It's been a month of us living in Seattle so Today is Edward and Bella wedding me and Rosalie went to forks VEGA will be watching over Kyle at the Fortress I'm wearing a tuxedo and Rosalie is wearing a light purple dress we're standing at the alsie then the wedding music played as I see dad walking Bella down the aisle she seems nervous but Jasper calm her down with his gift then Bella stood in front of Edward then we seat down

Minister: ladles and gentlemen we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward cullen and Bella swan please repeat after me

Then they said the seems words that me and Rosalie said at our wedding then they kiss as everyone stood up and cheered for the new married couple after then the celebration started I'm having a good time i look over to Emmett walking up stage

Emmett: excuse me is this on hello

Everyone look at him

Emmett: umm I'd like to propose a toast to my new sister Bella I hope you gotten enough sleep these last 18 years cause you won't be getting any more for a while

I shook my head then Jessica went up next

Jessica: well Bella was just like everyone else totally mesmerized by Edward or the hair as I call him and then suddenly Edward is all about Bella even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team I'm just kidding I'm just kidding or the president of the student council

Man this is getting worse and worse then dad was next

Dad: Edward will be a good husband i know this because I'm a cop i know this like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth and I know how to use a gun

Everyone laughs at this then Alice was next and oh boy

Alice: now that you're my sister you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion skirts heels handbag the works

Then mom sang a song that mom sang for us when we're kids to help us sleep I barley remember that then Esme was next

Esme: I'd like to thank Renee and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives we will cherish and protect her forever

Then Edward was next let's see what he's got to say

Edward: it's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and who will accept you for what you are I've been waiting what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am and with Bella I feel like I can begin so I'd like propose a toast to my beautiful bride no measure of time with you will be long enough but let's start with forever

We all on up our glasses and drink our champagne then everyone starts dancing i was slow dancing with Rosalie even though the music was not for slow dancing

Rosalie: this is nice

YN: yeah is it even though I barely don't like parties and Bella and Edward but I'm happy for them

Then after a while I see Jacob

Jacob: hey YN

YN: Jacob what are you doing here

Jacob: what Bella invited me to the wedding

YN: I thought you won't coming man

Jacob: yeah but I know Bella not gonna change her mind so I decided to give up on her

YN: look i know you had some feelings for her but you're right she not gonna change her mind she wants to be with Edward then let her

Jacob: yeah but I had to give Bella a warning

YN: about what being a vampire yeah I know she can't go on your pack land

Jacob: well yeah that too but on her honeymoon she wants to have sex with Edward while still human

YN: seriously she doesn't realized she can die from that

Jacob: I warned her but she said it's none of my business

YN: I hope Edward warn her about having sex with him while still human but she dies that's his fault

Jacob: yeah but hey let's not worry about that and enjoy the party

I nodded and soon Bella and Edward walking out of the house and they left for their honeymoon before Bella said goodbye to mom and dad I remember telling Bella that being immortal is not good you can get to watch everyone you know and loved die but she said she wants to be with Edward forever after the wedding me and Rosalie went back to Seattle spending time with Kyle I was at the balcony the house was two stories I was watching the stars thinking how my life went great like me finally finished my war against the demons killing Davoth and me getting my memories back returning home i met Rosalie and I fail in love with her we had a son and now I'm married to the love of my immortal life

To be continue

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