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Several days later, Micah finally took time out to consider if he was

actually doing the right thing by early pushing Tessa back into the

ice. His instinct told him that Tessa needed and wanted to skate 

again. But as she got ready to go practice for the first time, he

was questioning his tactics. He'd dared her cajoled her, and down-

right antagonized her for the last few days, not wanting her to I've

up the chance to discover that her skills hadn't gone away with her


He felt like a first-rate jerk, which he probably was, but he

didn't want to actually admit it. He had basically continued to punch

Tessa's buttons, challenged her until her pride probably demanded

that she skate.

He collapsed on the couch with a protein drink in his hand,

frowning as he thought about her confession that she hadn't skated

in years. What if he was fucking wrong, what if his gut instinct was

wrong? It could happen—although it generally didn't. He could have

made all the wrong moves with her. Hell, he barely knew her.

She was afraid, and he'd come to realize in the last few days

that there were very few things Tessa couldn't do. She was no

shirking violet, and even though she was petite, she could nearly

outrun him on the morning jogs they'd been doing since he'd arrived.

They were pushing three miles at a rapid pace for aerobic exercise

first, and his ass was dragging ear the end of the run. Yeah, he'd

kept up on his weight training, but he spent the majority of his time

stressing over the business and sitting in an office, and he'd made sev-

real unplanned trips to California thanks to Xander's erratic behav-

ior. He'd been distracted, neglecting his cardio for the last several

months. Now he was paying for it.

There was a time he could run marathon distances easily, but

now a long-retired figure skater could nearly burst his balls. He 

wasn't happy about that.

Nevertheless, he had to admire Tessa's courage. Other than her

reluctance to get back on the ice, she didn't let her lack of hearing

keep her from doing anything a hearing person was able to do. 

She'd adapted, compensated by learning all of the skills necessary

 to be more than functional in a hearing world.

He admired her; he liked her.

Unfortunately, he still wanted to fuck her so badly that he could

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