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Micah awoke in a dark room, disoriented because he couldn't

remember exactly where he was, but the warmth of Tessa's

hand in his calmed him down, orchid him to think.


The migraine.

The fucking pain.

Then, Tessa had come. She'd cared for him, but most of

the details were fuzzy.

Slowly, he remembered that Julian had gone to California

because Xander had overdosed. He wasn't sure why or how

Tessa had known he needed her, but Julian had to be the

source of that information. He was the only one who knew.

As his brain started to clear, he vaguely remembered Tessa

telling him that Julian had texted her because he'd been wor-

ried about Micah.

The excruciating pain was gone, leaving only a dull ache,

a minor discomfort that Micah knew would wear off during the

next few years. He shifted and looked at the lighted bedside

clock, realizing he'd been incoherent for almost twenty-four

hours. The duration was shorter than his last episode, which

had gone on for two days.

He knew it was morning, well beyond daylight, but the

curtains were carefully pulled across the larger windows in 

the room, leaving it nearly completely dark.

"Micah? Are you okay?" Tessa vaulted into a sitting posi-

tion, immediately awake.

His chest aced just from hearing the concern in her voice,

the genuine fear for his health. Reaching back, he turned on

the light so he could communicate with her, sitting up slowly.

Taking her frightened face between his hands, he said,

"I'm fine Sleep, Tessa. I know you probably didn't get much

rest." He could tell by the way she'd reacted the moment he

moved that she slept lightly. She was still dressed in a pair of

jeans and a T-shirt, apparently acting as his guardian angel

while he slept.

She yawned as she replied, "I slept. You conked out after

you took your pills and ate some crackers. How are you


"Better," he said uncomfortably, not completely at ease

with being helpless and in pain with anybody watching. 

"You didn't need to come over."

"Maybe not. But I wanted to," she told him softly, lifting

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