It was now the fourth day of the year. Gray and Lucy were sitting down comfortably at the library working on their geography homework with was due in two classes.

Natsu was also there looking for a book to read.

"I hate naming stages of a river like what the fuck this is middle school shit and I still find it hard!" Gray groaned leaning back on his chair.

"Come on it's easy! Look this is the youthful stage and then the mature stage..and finally we have the old stage, it's like us humans" Lucy cheered. She had always been a bit of a study wiz.

"It's easy because your Lucy" Gray scoffed.

"Gray it is three definitions" Lucy said.


"THIS IS SOOOOOO BOORRRRINGGGG" Natsu began to whine as loudly as he could ignoring the hushes he was getting by many people.

"Shut up bro we are in a library" Gray scowled at him in a whisper.

"But I don't have homework and I want to go to something else" Natsu continued to whine.

"Just read!" Lucy hushed him.

"No I don't want to" he huffed as if he was a small child.

"Fuck off" Gray and Lucy both whisper shouted before turning back to their books.

"Ugh" Natsu let out a groan. "Fine, I will find someone else to talk to"

The two ignored him as he walked off. He trailed around the library trying to find someone of interest.

When the certain bluenette caught his eye.

"Eh I have nothing better to do" Natsu shrugged to himself.

Juvia was scanning through the bookshelf herself trying to find a book of her own that caught her eye. What she didn't expect was the certain pinkette to come up to her and start a conversation.

"Hey Juvia!" Natsu Smirked his toothy grin.

"Hi" she mumbled before quickly turning away from him and opening a random book she found, very obviously not wanting to make conversation with him.

Of course Natsu can't take a hint.

"What book you got there?" Natsu asked peeping over her shoulder.

"Oh uh it's nothing" Juvia muttered closing it shut. She took a few steps away to try make him realise that he should go away.

But remember, this is Natsu.

"Is it good? I can't find a single good book in the whole library" Natsu began to ramble.

"I dunno, I haven't started it" she replied bluntly.

"Okay" Natsu smiled at her. "So guess what my friends wont let me stay with them because I'm apparently being to 'loud' but I don't really think that's true beca-"

"Geez fuck Natsu leave her alone!" Gray scolded him as he grabbed his shoulder to pull him away. His eyes met Juvia and he could tell that she did not want to he making conversation with him.

"What I'm just being nice" Natsu snapped at him.

"No you are being annoying!" Gray snapped back.

"Your just a bitch" Natsu began to argue.

"Pyro hush we are in a library"

"I don't give a shit ice princess"

"Flame brain"



"SHUT UP" Lucy whisper shouted at the two flicking them both in the heads.

"Sorry" the two boys muttered.

"Sorry Juvia about Natsu" Gray aplogised turning to where Juvia was standing.

But Juvia wasn't there anymore, she had left during the fight. Guess she found her time to escape.

"Oh she's gone" Gray said aloud.

"Awh we were great friends" Natsu pouted.

"Sure you were" laughed Lucy.

In the hall.

Gray was on his way to his locker. He peered inside it grabbing his books when he noticed that Juvia was also there grabbing hers.

"Hey Juvia"

"Oh hi"

"I just wanted to apologise for Natsu earlier......he was being a bit of a dimwit but he is nice in general, just can't really take a hint you see" Gray smiled at her.

"It's fine" Juvia replied without a smile.

"Look I feel like we got off on the wrong foot-"

"We did" Juvia interrupted him.

Gray took a deep breath trying to stay calm. "Yeah" He spoke. "So I just thought we could try be friends!"

"Friends?" She questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I have this feeling that you don't really like me that much"

"I don't. And I don't really want a friend right now" Juvia coldly replied. She hadn't even looked at him once the whole time.


"But what?" Juvia harshly spoke. "Are you deaf, didn't you hear what I just said???" And with that she walked away in a huff.

Gray stood there a little stunned. He thought she was a lot nicer but nevermind that. All he had tried to do was become friends with her, but she didn't seem to want that.

What did he do wrong?

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