"Gray, what do you think?" Lucy asked him waving a hand in front of his face to make him focus on her.

"Huh? What?"

"Ugh are you not listening!" Lucy snapped at him. "What's better chocolate cake or vanilla?"

"Obviously it's chocolate" Natsu argued.

"No its vanilla. Chocolate is so tacky" she replied rolling her eyes at him.

"Can't you guys just be peaceful when walking to school" Gray groaned.

"Well it's not my fault Natsu has shit taste in cake flavours!"

"Yeah I'm the one with shit taste" he hissed back crossing his arms.

"You two should just make out already" Gray said making the two blush a deep shade of red.
"No fucken way" Natsu stuttered. "I would never kiss your vanilla liking lips"

"Shut up" Lucy mumbled in embarrassment.

The two went silent both still kissed with blush.

"And that's how to shut them up" Gray whisper-smirked to himself.

After about 5 minutes more of walking in silence they looked up to see a huge building with big block writing over the huge doors saying.

'Fairy Tail High'

"Time to start the new year" Lucy exhaled.

The three friends walked in with their heads high. Ready to start their third year of high school.

Natsu, Lucy and Gray have knew each other since middle school. First it was Gray and Natsu who were friends and Lucy joined in as the new girl one year after middle school. The three have been best friends ever since.

"Says on the email that we need to go to room A28 to get our time tables and all" Gray stated.

The two nodded and followed him into the building and around the halls. The halls were pretty empty as everyone was in certain classrooms receiving their time tables and locker combinations for the year.

A smile ran on Grays face as he looked around the school. He secretly enjoyed spending time there. With his friends and teachers. It was a healthy environment.


His day dreams flew away as he felt a person run into him.

"OI" Gray shouted rubbing his head. He looked down to see a bluenette girl wearing a tank top and jeans also rubbing her head.

And he could also hear Natsu and Lucy trying their best not to laugh.

"Sorry" She muttered before trying to continue running off. But she was stoped by Gray grabbing her arm.

"Be careful, jeez what if I was holding glass or something it would have smashed all over you" He said.

"Well I don't see you holding any glass" She coldly replied. She kept turning around looking a little bit scared.

"Juvia right? Why are you in such a hurry" He asked. Still grabbing her arm. He noticed that she had a wary look on her face.

"That's not any of your business" Juvia huffed pulling away and running at the speed of lighting away.

"She's cold" Lucy scoffed.

"She's a bit dumb to be running like sonic in the hallways" Natsu laughed.

"How come she's going that way, she is meant to be in room A28 like us" Gray asked.

"I don't know and don't really care. I don't know why you do either Gray, let's go" Natsu said grabbing his wrist and Lucy's and dragging then to the classroom.

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