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"Oh my god! You're so big!" You shouted, excitedly looking at your younger brother. "You're all grown up! You're so tall!"

"I've been taller than you for the past five years." Kei said, looking at you with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah but your so grown up! You're in high school now!" You cheered. "It feels like just yesterday I had to wipe the cake off your face because you were too little."

"I'm gonna throw you if you start crying."

"Soon enough you are gonna move away from me and go off and go to college and get a job and fall in love and have a wife and kids and forgot about your dear older sister." You said, pulling out fake tears.

"Let's just walk to school, idiot." Kei glared.


You ran to your best friend and jumped onto his back. His knees buckled, surprised by your sudden appearance. 

"How's my favorite bitch boy?" You asked.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Itami groaned in annoyance.

"And I don't give a single fuck." You said, grinning.

"Get off of me, you're heavy." He said, rolling his eyes.

Itami was held back in his second year due to his grades. He was blatantly disrespectful to authority figures and he never really cared for rules... but he's too lame to be the 'bad boy' of the school. No one's really scared of him or anything. The only reason he is currently a third year now is because he copied all your work.


"I'm gonna stay a bit after school." Your phone buzzed. Your younger brother had messaged you. Kei messaged again; "Signing up for volleyball with Yamaguchi."

"Want me to stick after school with you guys to be your scary dog >:3" You quickly texted back. He reacted to the message with the eye roll emoticon.

"You're just saying that because you're scared of walking home alone." Kei typed.

"Low blow, you little shit" You replied, using an ungodly amount of crying emotes to be dramatic. He only replies with the eye roll emoticon again and you left him on read.

"Who were you texting?" Itami asked, looking over your shoulder.

"My brother, he's just telling me he's signing up for volleyball." You responded, turning your head. "So, I'm gonna stay after school until he's done with whatever he's doing."

"Sounds boring. Want me to stick with you?" Itami asked. You nodded.



You shivered, the sun being down and you still hadn't met up with your brother. It was hard to keep warm after sundown.

"You okay?" Itami asked, looking at you with concern. 

"I'm just a little cold." You said, smiling.

"Here, I know a place where you can warm up." Itami said, grabbing your hand and pulling you somewhere.

You were pulled into a closet, the door being shut and locked. You got nervous as Itami backed you into the wall.


"Call me Seigyo from now on, Y/N." You heard. You never gave him permission to call you by your first name. You were about to open your mouth to respond but Itami put his lips against yours.

Your eyes widened. You tried backing away but you were only met by a wall at your back. You pushed him away.

"No, Itami. I don't like you like this." You said, trying to stay calm as you teared up. He just stole your first kiss.

"Don't you love me, Y/N?" Itami asked, taking a step closer to you.

"I do but-"

"Then what's the problem? You love me so why don't you want this? This is how people love each other." Itami said, putting a warm hand on your cheek. You subconsciously leaned into the warmth. "All friends do this."

"Then why haven't my other friends done this?" You asked.

"They think you're ugly." Itami said, making your eyes widen. "But I think you're beautiful, completely beautiful."

"So... this is normal?" You asked, softly.

"Of course it is, Y/N. Don't you trust me."

"Of course I trust you, Itami." You muttered.

"Call me Seigyo from now on, okay?" Itami softly said. You nodded as he kissed you again.


You stood on shaky legs, buttoning your shirt. It was almost the time where students were told to leave due to the rest of the staff needing to go home.

"Want me to walk you home, Y/N?" Itami asked, walking over and hugging your waist. 

You nodded, your throat hurting from your sobs. You felt kisses to your neck, making you give a soft movement away.

He had walked you home and given you a kiss before leaving you at your doorstep. You were shaking. It wasn't exactly because you were cold. You were freezing but you didn't really pay attention to how cold you were. 

You didn't enjoy what Itami did, you didn't feel right. You were scared. He said it was normal... so why did you want to run? Why didn't you like it? He obviously loved it, his face showed it. You just wanted to cry. It lasted for so long and it hurt so bad. Your hips and waist were bruised. 

You leaned against the door and slid down, gasping in pain as you softly landed on the floor. You brought your knees up to your chest and put your face into your knees. You let out empty and quiet cries. You cried for what felt like hours but no emotions came out. You felt numb but emotional at the same time.

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