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You woke up on your doorstep. You gasped and stood up. You grabbed your bag and instantly stood up. You gasped at the sudden pain, your legs shaking. You dug through your bag and sighed in relief that nothing was stolen. You checked your phone and saw a lot of notifications.

"I'm done with everything." Kei, 17:08.

"Did you already walk home?" Kei, 17:10.

"I'm walking without you, nerd." Kei, 17:15.

"Why aren't you home yet?" Kei, 18:00.

"Where are you?" Mom, 18:03.

Missed call from Mom(2).

"Dude wtf you're worrying mom" Kei, 18:30.

"You better be home soon." Mom, 18:46.

"This isn't funny." Kei, 18:48.

"Come home now." Kei, 18:48.

Missed call from Kei(8).

You opened the door, cringing at the squeak. You took off your shoes and walked to your bedroom. You collapsed onto your bed, instantly turning on your heat lamp. You didn't even want to change or shower or anything. 

You heard a knock on your door and it opened before you could respond. You looked up and saw your little brother. He rushed to the side of your bed.

"Y/N! Where were you?!" You heard Kei. You flinched back before he could touch you. "What's with the marks on your neck? Are they bruises?!"

You looked away, turning over. Your back faced your brother. You didn't need to look at him to know he wasn't fond of that response.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Kei asked, his voice soft.

"Nothing, go away." You said, pulling your blanket over your head.

"Fine, be that way." Kei said, getting up. "Get ready for school." 

You blinked a few times, surprised that he expected you to go to school. You thought about it for a second before sighing and getting up. He doesn't know what happened so... could you really blame him? 

You took a quick shower and changed into your other school uniform. You looked at yourself in the mirror and... for the first time, you didn't like what you saw. Yeah, you occasionally shame yourself in some way you looked but you never hated everything you saw.

You looked so tired. Your neck looked horrible with the purple-ish red marks scattered around. Your face looked deformed. Your body didn't look right. You grabbed the edges of your shirt and saw the deep purple bruises of Itami's hands on your soft skin.

"Y/N! Kei! Your friends are here!" You flinched and fixed your uniform. You grabbed your bag and walked to the front door. You put on your shoes and opened the door. You shuddered when you saw Itami.

"Hey, Y/N." He spoke, putting on a convincing smile. He genuinely grinned when he saw your neck. 

"Hey, It..." You began. He shot you a harsh glare. "...Seigyo!"

Kei gave you a concerned glance. He walked off with Yamaguchi. You put on your shoes and shut the door behind yourself. Itami wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Can I copy your math homework today?" Itami asked.

"I thought you already did." You muttered a response. He noticed your hesitation.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He grabbed your jaw and pulled you to look at him.

"Uhm..." You hesitated.

"You can tell me anything, darling." 

"I didn't like what you did... last night." You said, hesitantly.

"Why not?"

"Well... it just didn't feel right. It hurt and I just didn't enjoy it." You muttered. His arm around you tightened painfully. He did not like what you told him.

"It's normal. You'll enjoy it more if we do it more." Itami said, something in his eyes didn't convince you. His grip tightened over your bruises. "Okay?"

You hesitantly nodded and he gave you a mischievous grin.

"Why don't we try it now?" Itami asked, making your eyes widen. You didn't even notice you were at the school's entrance.

Itami grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the bathrooms, turning off the lights and shoved you into a stall. You whimpered as his hands went right over your bruises and pulled into a harsh kiss. 


You let out a shaky exhale as Itami left the bathroom. You tried rebuttoning your blouse but your eyes were teared up and your hands were shaking too much. You checked your phone and saw you had missed all of your first class and part of your second class. You looked at the mirror and stuck out your tongue. You had bitten it so hard that you drew blood.

You scanned over your features and let out a choked sob, trying to hold back tears. You felt sick. You covered your mouth and instantly went into another stall, throwing up. You held your stomach, feeling your head throb. You coughed as your stomach calmed down. You moved your hand to your head and fell to your knees. You sobbed, everything hurt.

"Hey, are you alright?" You heard a knock on the stall door. The voice was feminine and mostly monotone with a hint of concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay." You said through tears.

You heard a squeak and you turned your head. You hadn't locked the stall door so she pushed it opened. Her face showed concern.

She didn't say anything but she sat on the floor next to you. She held back your hair as your stomach pained again and you threw up. She rubbed your back and you felt a tiny bit of comfort from it, despite the fact you flinched at every touch and movement.

"Are you okay?" She softly asked as you finally trusted your calmed down stomach.

You wiped your mouth and avoided eye contact as you nodded. You gave an awfully harsh flinch as she gently grabbed your cheek and pulled you to look at her. 

"Are you okay?" She said, looking directly into your eyes. Your lip quivering and you tried to nod but shook your head and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around you in return and traced shapes along your back.

Open, Warm ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now