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You had been requested to show up for another shift the following day. Today you'd actually be introduced to working at the Pizzaplex and your usual daily tasks- something you didn't have to do the day prior. They'd also give you extra time throughout your shift so that you'd have time to explore the pizzeria, which you happened to be very thankful for. Honestly? You imagine you would be working here for a year (if you even could keep a job here that long) and still wouldn't be able to figure everything out. You couldn't imagine finding anything in here.

After finishing your drive down the highway and pulling into the massive parking lot, you searched around for a spot - this time in the back, where employees were meant to park - like you had been instructed through various emails. You walked into the building, clocking in and soon navigating your way to the atrium ground floor to meet up with Rena and Rain, as a notification on your watch said. Rena greeted you from a distance, and with them, you spotted a new co-worker. He was tall- taller than both Rena and Rain, but had a young look to his face. He had pale white skin and messy dirty blond hair. His icy blue eyes held their gaze on you as you approached the group. Rena was the first to speak- greeting you enthusiastically.

"[Y/N]! How's it been? How was your day?" She asked, leaning against one of the small tables as she gave you a soft smile that was quickly growing familiar to you.

"Oh- it's been alright! What about yours?" You responded, your gaze lingering on the stranger until your attention turned back to Rena and Rain.

"It's been fine, really. Seems like you've figured out how to use your Faz-watch pretty well! Here just on time." She remarked, her eyes glancing down the mentioned Freddy themed watch. Wait... what?

"...Faz-watch? Is that really what these things are called?" You began to question, lifting up your wrist to examine the watch. "What about the ones themed after other animatronics?"

"Still Faz-watches. They're all Faz-watches, even if they aren't themed after Freddy, or even any of the band members."

"That's-... weird." You responded, letting out a small laugh. You checked through your tasks- which Rain had just assigned.

"Aight. So, here's what you're doin'." Rain muttered, stepping forward and listing off in a dull tone of voice what you had to do. "It's not much. We wanted you to still get adjusted to workin' here." And at that, Rain walked off as the two of you watched. It was around that moment when you realized that the stranger had walked off as well, being nowhere in sight.

"So... who was that other guy?" You asked, checking through your watch to figure out your tasks.

"Oh- that's Jesse! I'm sorry- no one here are exactly 'talkers'..." She responded. "Well- I'm off! Feel free to send me a message if you need anything!" She waved, walking off to get back to work.

Well, you suppose that only left you to get to work. Like Rain had mentioned, there wasn't much- all you really had to do seemed like what the Staff-bots already could do. You didn't complain though, after all it certainly made your day easier. You went to a nearby supply closet, checking through the list on your Faz-watch. First task of the day? Wiping off tables on the ground floor. The job was pretty much already done, but the Staff-bots never seemed to be able to get that gross sticky feeling off of the tables. So, you grabbed some bottles full of chemicals and rags and went off to work.

Your shift stretched on as you continued throughout the ground floor of the Pizzaplex atrium. The building was slowly beginning to grow empty as families made their way out, but that didn't stop it from being busy. It was at least clear enough to ensure that a familiar Chicken could spot you and walk towards you without being crowded by her adoring young fans.

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