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You and Rain were on your way to the main atrium, as Chica and Lucy had instructed. They still hadn't fully told you what they had decided on for the party, which certainly made you nervous, but something about Rain tagging along seemed to bring you comfort. Sure, you still felt awkward around them, and still couldn't read them or what they were feeling, but if you convinced them to tag along then surely the two of you were becoming friends, right?

You shrugged it off as the two of you met up with the animatronic and her handler. Chica, as usual, was extremely excited to meet up with the two of you.

"Hey there, glitter! Glad you could make it," she began, moving to swiftly close the distance between both of you. Her blue eyes darted towards Rain who lurked behind, and she gave them a soft smile. "I didn't realize you were coming, Rain! I didn't think you were the type."

Rain shrugged, sticking their hands in the pockets of their uniform. "Thought I'd give the newbie some company."

Lucy chimed in, placing one of her hands on her hip as she used the other to brush away some of her coily hair from her eyes. "Alright, are you two ready? We changed up the plans. Last minute- I know,- but Chica was adamant that since we had a new person joining we should make it special." You weren't sure how you felt about that, to be honest. You appreciated the effort made by the animatronic, but dread soon washed over you as Lucy finished speaking. God- you hoped you wouldn't be the center of attention. You didn't need that. Not tonight. Not any night.

"Really, eh?" Rain spoke up, responding to Lucy. "Where are we headed?"

"Oh, nothing big, really. Just Faz-pad."

Rain seemed to pause for a moment, staring at Lucy. "Faz-pad? Christ, I know you wanted to make this a special night, but Faz-Pad? Without warning?" Well, that was reassuring. You had noticed the restaurant any time you were in the lobby, but... was it really that big of a deal?

Lucy raised her hands defensively, quickly trying to reassure Rain. "Oh, no, nonono. Don't worry about it, the costs are covered. Promise. It's completely on the house." Oh. Oh no. Was this a fancy restaurant? You hoped not. You didn't like fancy restaurants, but the promise of a free meal was slightly alluring. "Anyways, we shouldn't keep the rest waiting. Chica, why don't you lead our guests while I get changed?"

She nodded eagerly, quickly taking your hand and guiding the both of you as she chirped out a response. "On it~!"

The three of you walked mostly in silence, with Chica letting go of your hand whenever you had reached the elevator. The ride felt like it stretched on for ages- and so did the awkward silence that fell between the three of you as the main theme for the Fazbear band played. It was catchy, for sure, but combined with the total silence from Rain and Chica, it did nothing to settle your mind as you grew more nervous about the party. Eventually the elevator came to a stop, and they led you towards the haunting red doors of the restaurant. Maybe coming wasn't the best choice you had made.

As Chica swung the doors open, the quiet chatter within seized as everyone inside turned to stare at the three of you. Your gaze fell upon the interior, searching for anyone else you might have known. The room was quite empty, to be honest- with only a small number of people dotted across. Your gaze drifted across to Rena, who was giving a large wave from a booth she sat in. You stepped inside, and everyone returned back to their quiet conversations. You swiftly made your way over to the only other person to recognize, with Rain trailing along behind you as the two of you sat down across from Rena. She leaned back against the soft red cushions, taking a sip of water from a similarly colored glass.

"I didn't think you'd be here, Rain." She started as she removed the white straw from her lips, leaning forward with a smile. "What was it, last time? 'I don't go to parties, leave me alone?'" She laughed, and Rain let out a sigh as they crossed their arms and fell into the back of the booth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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