6. Consequences

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Stella parted ways with Steve and went into her new apartment in the tower which was still adjoining Steve's. She spent the next two days just trying to relax not looking forward to the party. She had spent some time checking on Clint who was looking good as new he apparently hadn't appreciated her carefully curated skincare gift basket she had given him. It was the day of the party and Stella was slowly getting ready barely wanting to attend. 

"Stells, you almost done yet?" Steve's voice came from her living room area. 

"Almost go ahead without me."

"We both know if I do that you show and then Tony will storm up here, you'll threaten to light him on fire and he'll wear you down anyway," the super-soldier replied rounding the corner into her room. She was standing in front of her full-length mirror inspecting her outfit and smoothing down her dress. Steve leaned against her door frame and smiled he didn't often get to see her all dressed up and knew that while she pretended to hate it she really enjoyed it. "You look beautiful Stells, that was always his favorite color on you."

Stella looked away from her reflection in the mirror to acknowledge Steve's presence. She gave a small smile and looked back at her dark teal silk slip dress it was simple but she preferred it that way. She accessorized with silver jewelry the dainty nightingale necklace that Steve had gotten her for her birthday the year after he was thawed out. "I guess we should just this night out of the way."

The pair walked to elevators which took the to the top floor of the tower where the party was being held. Stella went to mingle with guests saying hello to the familiar faces she had met during her time with Stark Industries. She eventually made her way over to where Steve was standing alone near the door to the balcony. "Sam have any news?"

"No, nothing important. He'll show eventually."

"I know, I just don't know if we are helping or hurting by looking."

"I know you're losing hope, but I made a promise to you and I won't break it. You two need each other, do you remember that video of us the one with the ring box?"

"I remember retching because you were delusional enough to want to propose to the most annoying and underwhelming woman in the world," she replied dryly with a roll of her eyes.

Steve couldn't help but chuckle at her and shake his head at her long-standing hatred for his very short-lived crush on the woman. "It wasn't mine you idiot, the ring was Bucky's." Stella gasped and she quickly met Steve's eyes confusion and heartbreak etched on her features. "He figured it was safer with me on missions. He was going to propose when we got back, said he had already waited too long to do so." Steve fished in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a wooden ring box and handing it to the girl. "Don't lose hope Stells, wear this and let it remind you we are bringing him back. He loved you so much and you love him. You're going to be together again and I'll be at your wedding standing next to both of you. He'd want you to have it and I'm sorry it took me so long to get it to its rightful owner."

Stella opened the box looking at the small white gold ring with a marquise-cut diamond in the middle and two small emeralds on either side of it. "I need a minute," before Steve could say another word she walked out onto the balcony the ring box tight in her hand feeling like it weighed a million pounds. She walked to the edge of the balcony and took deep breaths before looking at the ring again, she took it out and placed it on her finger and it fit perfectly. She had no clue how Bucky was able to get it, but he had obviously put so much thought into it. 

She looked at the city below still alive and awake oblivious to the emotional turmoil she was currently experiencing. She took a few minutes before she decided to walk back in and was met with most of the party clearing out and the rest of The Avengers sat in the middle of the room Thor's hammer sat on the table. She sat next to Steve who she leaned against, nobody ever thought anything of it physical touch was very obviously her love language and what she used to ground herself. He looked at her hand a smiled a bit seeing the ring adorning her finger it was his turn to try and lift the hammer and he stood going to pick it up. She saw it budge slightly before Steve quickly gave up and was able to catch the slight shock cross Thor's face before he covered it with a smile. Nat turned down her turn and everyone looked to Stella next "Absolutely not, there is no better wielder than the mighty Thor himself. 

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged," Tony said smugly.

"You bet your ass," Clint replied.

"Steve he said a bad language word," Maria joked.

"Did you tell everyone about that?"

"Don't look at me it was Ella. The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints" is, I think, the literal translation?"

"Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one," Thor said standing before retrieving his hammer and flipping it up in the air. "You're all not worthy."

A loud noise came over the intercom sounding like feedback from a mic and the team covered their ears trying to find the source. Tony pulled out one of his handhelds looking it over as a severely damaged Iron Legion came stumbling into the room. 

"Worthy? No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers."

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