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Next day after the accident , jimin and Teahyung's condition were worst. They have lost their appreciated for anything. Jimin was continuously crying and locked out every one from coming in his room. Namjoon would blamed himself for what happened. And Jin was always there for him to calm him down.

Jin would cook food for them and feed them. Or force them to eat something. Tea was numb. He just looked at the wall or anything with a blank stair. Jungkook would always there for him. Taking care of him. He would be 15 but he handled this situation pretty much good when Jin can't. Most of the times Jungkook would take care of teahyung while Jin would take care of jimin.

The first week gone like that. After much comforting them, they started to do better. But still sometime they would cry  to sleep. And Jin was always there for them. He became a mother figure for them.

It's been two weeks after that incident. But both boy's was still sad about what happened. They Know that they can't do anything but still they think if that incident never happened. 

Namjoon was stable after two day's with the help of Jin. They had to stay strong for the youngest sakes. But Jimin and Taehyung was still sad and cry sometimes.

GUY'S I'M BACK." Shouted Jin from the entrance. He was gone to the market for some food. They haven't eaten any good food in two weeks. They just made some simple food , such as cup noodles or just eat anything what they have.

“Hyung" where did you went this early morning? Asked namjoon as he walked to kitchen. “i need some ingredients for lunch and dinner"  why didn't you work me up hyung! I should have go out with you.

“It's okay joon ah and beside you were sleeping so peacefully after two weeks... I didn't want to wake you up. So i let you sleep! " Jin said with a gentle smile.

“Morning hyungs" beam jimin from behind . ‘Morning' jiminah! Have you sleep well?. Yea Hyung I did. Where's Tea and jungkook? Asked jimin as he sat down on the table.  They were probably sleeping. Jin said and makes his way toward the counter to make some breakfast.

“Should i wake them up"! Jimin said to no one particular but Jin still hear it. He was going to reply but Jimin just answer his question himself with little ‘no'. He sign and went to couch to sleep for the remain time. But his sleep got distracted when someone knocked the front door.

He stand up from the couch and headed toward the door. He opened it to reveal two policemen. “Are you Park jimin" asked one of them. ‘Uh yes'. He shortly reply.

“Jiminah who's on the door"? Jin asked as he came up from kitchen wearing a apron and a bowl in his hand. “Um how can I help you sir"? We are here to talk. They shortly reply. ‘Please come in'... Jiminah go and called Namjoon. And stay in your room with teahyung and jungkook.

They all went into the living room.  And sat down. “Hyung you called - uh why they're here".‘ We are here for talk about park jimin and kin Teahyung.'  Namjoon sit.

So what you want to talk about my child's"

Your child?' One of them said wide eyes. ‘They're not his child Choi! ' Said the other one.

We are here to talk about their adoption. Because they're mother's were not here anymore, we have to give them to their other family members who is a adult and can take care of them. '

But you just adoption" why? Asked namjoon as he watched the two officers looked at eachother before they sigh and looked at them again.

Because The family of kim Teahyung doesn't want to take him. And other then his aunt we can't find anyone or reached them . And in Park jimin's case. There was no one in his family.

What!! I'm here in front of you! How can you say he doesn't have anyone. Namjoon said with disbelief. Jin was calm watching and taking every information neatly.

But you can't take care of a child kid. You're also a child, are you even 18+?

I'm a adult. And I can take care of my brother. He said angrily. And fir your information I'm 21!!!!

Um okay. But We still have to take Kin Teahyung with us. Please call him.'

Sir I want to take the custody of Kim Teahyung as a illegal guardian. " Jin said calmly.

Okay but first we have to talk to him. If he want or not. And you have to fill some documents.

I know sir. I will go and slove everything in court. He said with a smile and called for teahyung.

“Teahyung ah come here."They want to ask you some questions.

He sat down as the officers began to question him. Namjoon and Jin patiently wait while jimin and jungkook was watching them from stairs case. After some time they left.


Next morning Jin went to court for fullfill the documents. After finishing everything he was coming back home, When a track come from the side almost hitting him.

Jin's pov,

After finishing everything, i was on my way home when suddenly a track came from nowhere almost hitting me. I force my car to trun left as my Tao the break too hard that my head hit the side window.

My vision got blurry and I can smell my on blood dropping from my head. I somehow called someone..i don't know who. But in first ring that person picked up. Hallo hyung! H-help.... I can just say it, my throat was going dry. “Hyung what happened? Are you okay? Where are you?. I-i'm ****** here.

“Hallo Jin! A voice said. I looked at that person because of my dizziness and blurry vision,i can't really see who it was!

That person just laughed and said“ You destroyed my family, my son! It's time for revenge!" And started laughing like a manic.  W-Who are you? “It doesn't matter! What matters is the game is on now"! That was the last thing I know before the blackness completely embraced me.


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